Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2533 Return to Tianyun 99

Chapter 2533 Return to Tianyun (99)

She was still focused on his body. Tao Mingye was very moved, and he didn't want to hide anything from her anymore, so he said: "Listen carefully to me. Maybe there are some things that will make you angry, but I don't know. Under the premise that we will be so loving.”

Seeing the worried look on his face, Su Xin quickly said: "Just tell me, I'm being generous to you, my husband, and I won't be angry."

His wife said so, and he could see that what she said was true. Tao Mingye was no longer so worried, and started to say: "When my mother was alive, she was always secretly bullied by the Cao family. , but my mother never told my father about this. I couldn't stand it, so I wanted to get rid of the Tao family one day and live alone with my mother, so I secretly sold the good things I usually got. All of them were sold, and the money they sold was either secretly purchased for land, or secretly lent to those who were in urgent need of money. Not only did they get the capital, but they also got a lot of interest."

"But who would have thought, I was thinking of a way to take my mother away from the Tao family, but my mother died suddenly."

"I couldn't tell you before, but now I won't hide a word from you. I don't believe that my mother died suddenly and for no reason. It must have been Cao who killed my mother."

"I don't believe that I got the disease myself. My mother told me that when I was born, the doctor said that I was very healthy, but not long after, I became ill. I also suspected that it was Cao's fault. After all, I am the eldest son of a concubine. No matter how big-hearted Cao is, I am still a thorn in her heart."

"My mother is dead, and she died in such a strange way, so I gave up the idea of ​​leaving the Tao family and continued to stay in the Tao family, hoping to secretly find evidence of Cao's crime against my mother and me."

"But Mr. Cao's methods of harming people are really too high. I still haven't found out how my mother died or what disease I got."

"Every time Mr. Cao gave me some medicine, I kept a little of it and asked Rusong to go out and show it to other doctors. Those doctors said that the medicine was fine and that it was just an ordinary medicine for recuperating the body; I myself also I tried using silver needles and found no problem, but my health is getting worse day by day.”

"On the surface, I followed the Cao family and everyone in the Tao family. If the Tao family and Tao Minghai asked me to marry you, I would marry you. At that time, I felt that I was marrying a woman anyway. At worst, I would find a way to get divorced later, but I would marry you in the bridal chamber. When I saw you, you were so different, and you always thought about me and wanted to protect me, I slowly changed my mind. I felt that I had married a treasure. "

"It's these things. I hid them from you at first, so I didn't know how to talk about them. Fortunately, you asked me today, otherwise I don't know how long I would have kept them from you."

"You asked me where I got the money. Although I no longer lend money to others to earn high interest, I had already earned a lot before my mother passed away. I used the money to open several cloth shops. After several years of development, I now have more than 20 cloth farms, with ten thousand acres of fertile land, all of which have been rented out. The rent is collected like a pine, and the money earned by the cloth village is also collected like a pine. I Just look at the account books Ru Song brought back from time to time to see if the accounts are correct."

After a pause, he continued: "Most of the servants in the Tao family are actually my people."

Su Xin was not happy at all that Tao Mingye had told her everything and he was still so rich. She said wiltedly: "My husband, I don't like this at all."

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