Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2546 Return to Tianyun 112

After Su Xin kissed Tao Mingye, she smiled and asked, "Ms. sir, will dad be angry if we just leave like this?"

"How can he be angry now? He will only worry and feel guilty." After a pause, he added: "Until the day your results come out."

Su Xin couldn't hold it back and laughed twice, "Look how calm you are. I really don't understand why dad is not calm at all."

Tao Mingye said: "I have too much confidence in you."

"This is my husband!" Su Xin happily kissed Tao Mingye again, then hugged Tao Mingye and leaned her face against Tao Mingye, looking very sweet and happy.

On the other side, although Tao Chengyin felt uneasy, when he saw his second son coming out of the examination room, he still asked with concern: "Haier, how did you do in the exam?"

Tao Minghai lowered his head and remained silent.

Tao Chengyin knew that he had failed the exam, so he did not blame him. Instead, he said, "Just take the exam again next year."

Tao Minghai responded dullly: "Yes."

This year's provincial examination in the imperial capital is a bit strange. Everyone's focus is no longer on the provincial examination, but on whether Huo Xiner can become the first place in the provincial examination, and then become the top scholar in martial arts.

An Yiqing ran so many gambling houses, so he took this opportunity to invite all the gambling houses to make bets on whether Huo Xiner would become the top scholar in martial arts this year before the provincial examination started.

How could it be that it was so easy to take the exam for Wu Zhuangyuan?

Therefore, many people who bought Huo Xiner failed to pass the exam, and only a very small number of people who bought Huo Xiner passed the exam.

Regardless of whether Huo Xiner passed the exam or not, the casino was guaranteed to make a profit anyway.

Su Muchen, the emperor, was very happy that An Yiqing had made another huge sum of money to support the state treasury expenditure, and he praised An Yiqing as a talent.

Su Xin also heard that there were a lot of gambling houses in the capital city, hoping that she would not be able to get the top prize in martial arts this year, and she was very confident in herself, so she mentioned this matter to her husband-in-law, who immediately agreed. He sent Rusong to the gambling shop to bet ten thousand taels on the chance that she would become the top scholar in martial arts.

The odds of her failing the exam are only ten to one, but the odds of her passing are one hundred to one. In other words, if she gets the top prize in martial arts this year, her husband's 10,000 taels bet in the casino will win. It became one million taels.

Originally, she wanted to bet more, at least 100,000 taels. After all, she was so confident, but her husband said that they should keep a low profile and not be too high-profile to avoid attracting attention, so she only bet 10,000 taels.

royal palace.

This evening, everyone had dinner together and sat together drinking tea and chatting.

While chatting, An Yiqing smiled at Su Changyi and Jing Jing and said, "Mom and dad, can Huo Xiner be admitted to the Wushuang Yuan Examination? Before the results come out, do you want to take a gamble? Brother and the others can They all bet, but they all bet that Huo Xiner won't pass the exam, but the test is about art of war. They all feel that Huo Xiner is too young and her art of war is definitely not as strong as hers."

Jing Jing smiled and said: "I feel like you are looking down on others. Why are you so young? Some people are geniuses."

An Yiqing immediately said: "So, do you think Huo Xiner can pass the exam?"

Jing Jing said: "I didn't say that either. I just don't agree with you setting up this bet. But fortunately, you are not making money for personal gain, so your father and I will let you go."

An Yiqing said: "Mom, are you not betting?" The chapter content is being restored, please visit again later.

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