Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2550 Return to Tianyun 116

Su Yijing had no objection. He had these responsibilities on his shoulders. When Su Muchen called him, he agreed.

August 20th.


As the Minister of Rites, this test was authorized by Su Muchen to the Ministry of Rites. In the past, all qualified Jinshi candidates participated in the test together. Although there was only Su Xin now, the test was still arranged in a grand manner.

Su Muchen and Su Yijing had already taken their seats on the high platform. After all, Su Yijing was not the King of Xiyun, so Su Muchen sat in the main seat and Su Yijing was in the second seat.

There were only two of them sitting there, and everyone else was standing or kneeling.

Su Muchen glanced at Su Yijing, and when he saw Su Yijing nod, he said to the Minister of Rites: "It's time to start."

The Minister of Rites immediately shouted: "Summon Huo Xiner to the audience."

Su Xin followed the etiquette taught by Tao Chengyin, lowered her eyes, lowered her head slightly, and walked all the way in until she knelt down at the bottom of the steps, kowtowed, and shouted: "Knock on the king, long live the king."

If King Xiyun was present, she would have said 'Knock on the king, long live the king', but unfortunately, the king didn't come, otherwise, she would have seen her father directly, and she would have been more excited.

Although she lowered her head, Su Xin still secretly glanced at the people on the stage. When she saw Su Yijing, the Prince Jing, sitting next to Su Muchen, and Su Yijing looked exactly like her father Su Changyi in her impression, Su Xin couldn't help but get excited and almost cried out.

Of course, she was also more certain that this King Tianyun was definitely her biological father.

Su Muchen sat high on the stage, unaware of Su Xin's thoughts as she knelt with her head down on the steps. He just said, "This year's exam is an exception. In previous years, there were many Jinshi candidates taking the exam together. This year, there is only you. I have discussed with Prince Jing. You will take the exam on riding and weightlifting. As for the art of war, you can use it freely."

In previous years, riding and weightlifting were not tested in the exams, because the Tongshi, Xiangshi, and Huishi all took them. The exams depended on the application of the art of war, that is, how to use troops. Tao Chengyin, who was standing next to the Minister of Rites, immediately broke out in a sweat. He never expected that Su Muchen and Su Yijing would suddenly decide to test riding and weightlifting.

And his eldest daughter-in-law hadn't practiced riding and weightlifting for a month. What if she didn't perform well in these two stages?

Su Xin was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that riding and weightlifting would be tested, but she didn't worry. Instead, she said loudly, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Under the steps, there was a large venue with horses, bows and arrows, targets, etc. prepared there.

Su Xin took the bow and arrow and put it on her back before she mounted the horse neatly. As she rode fast, she loosened the reins, took off the bow and three arrows, and shot three arrows at once, hitting three bullseyes a hundred steps away.

Before everyone had time to react, Su Xin shot three arrows at once again, hitting three bullseyes a hundred steps away; three arrows were shot at once again, and the speed was so fast that it seemed like in the blink of an eye.

Not only did nine arrows hit the bullseye, but they were all three arrows shot at once, and the speed was so fast that Su Muchen immediately shouted, "Good!"

Su Yijing's eyes also lit up. It feels that this year's martial arts champion is really not simple despite his young age.

All the civil and military officials were a little unbelievable.

Especially Tao Chengyin. He had seen his eldest daughter-in-law training before, but he had never seen his eldest daughter-in-law shoot three arrows at once. Unexpectedly, today, it was like this, and all of them hit the target. The content of the chapter is being restored. Please visit again later.

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