Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2552 Return to Tianyun 118

However, her eldest brother was standing next to her, and she really wanted to recognize him!

Su Xin wailed in her heart.

But the problem is that her eldest brother probably doesn't know her existence, and she can't talk nonsense now. If she says something wrong, she may be killed.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Su Muchen gave Huo Xiner the armor of the top scholar and put it on a list at the gate of the imperial capital. There was only one person on the list who was still the top scholar, Huo Xiner.

Afterwards, Su Xin wore the imperial-given military armor, rode a tall horse, and was escorted all the way back to Tao's house by a team of imperial guards. There was a large group of people, and the scenery was endless.

Someone in Tao Chengyin's family won the first prize. Su Muchen personally approved that Tao Chengyin could leave early. Tao Chengyin immediately thanked the emperor for his kindness and happily arranged the arrangements before Su Xin came back.

The house is decorated with red and colorful decorations, and everyone is wearing festive clothes and waiting at the door.

When Su Xin came to the street where the Tao family lived, the Tao family had already started setting off firecrackers. When Su Xin was welcomed in, the firecrackers were still going off and took a long time to stop.

When An Yiqing learned that Huo Xiner had actually passed the imperial examination, he immediately came to settle the score with the emperor Su Muchen.

"Su Muchen, didn't you say you wouldn't let Huo Xiner become the top scholar in martial arts easily? I have to pay my father 10 million taels for the harm you have done now!" An Yiqing was really angry.

Su Muchen quickly reassured: "I said this, but what I meant was that I would not let her become the number one scholar in martial arts. But if she is really talented, I will naturally let her become the number one scholar in martial arts. The imperial examination Isn't the purpose of selecting talents? You can't let me make the imperial examination a mere formality just to prevent you from paying the emperor so much money."

An Yiqing snorted: "Then she really has that talent?"

"Yes!" Su Muchen said happily immediately. "Not only does she have it, she is also very amazing! If you ask your elder brother, those officials were right. She has the talent to be the top scholar in martial arts. I let her become the top scholar in martial arts, and she deserves it."

An Yiqing looked at Su Yijing.

Su Yijing said nothing, but showed Huo Xiner's exam paper to An Yiqing.

An Yiqing took it and took a look, his eyes lit up.

Seeing this, Su Muchen quickly said: "She is a military prodigy. When I think about where else in the military camp is suitable for her, I will arrange for her to go in and practice. Don't be angry, even though you are accompanying your father. Ten million taels, but in general, you still made a profit. So many people put pressure on Huo Xiner to fail the exam. Now you just make a little less, not that much. It’s because Tianyun chose such a genius. For the sake of coming out, don’t worry about it anymore.”

An Yiqing just forgot about it.

When Su Muchen saw that An Yiqing didn't care anymore, he smiled at Su Yijing and said, "Yijing, take this paper to the emperor and make him happy. We Tianyun are really full of talents. "

"Yeah." Su Yijing had no objection.

When Su Yijing returned to the palace in the evening, Su Yijing showed Huo Xiner's examination paper to Su Changyi.

Su Changyi and Anjing were together every day. Su Changyi saw it, and Anjing naturally saw it too.

When they saw that the examination paper contained part of Sun Tzu's Art of War, both Su Changyi and Jing Jing were shocked.

Could it be that Huo Xiner also traveled through time? !

Jing Jing asked anxiously: "Jing'er, is this really written by Huo Xiner?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes." After a pause, Su Yijing added, "Brother Mu Chen saw that she had written this, and he didn't even wait for her to finish writing, so he named her the top scholar in martial arts."


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