Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2558 Return to Tianyun 124

"Yes, mother." Su Yijing responded.

Jing Jing looked at Su Yixing again, "Xing'er, your brother-in-law Tao Mingye is not in good health. Your uncle Gong said he was poisoned. You have to treat your brother-in-law."

Su Yixing immediately said: "Mom, don't worry. I didn't know before, but now that I know, I will naturally treat it for my brother-in-law."

Su Xin immediately thanked you: "Thank you, second brother."

Su Yixing said: "What are you talking about? You are alienating your second brother. Although you are not the second brother who grew up, I am your brother. I am your brother. This fact will not change."

An Yiyun smiled and said: "Yes, Xin'er, we are all one family. Don't be so outspoken in the future. If you can wear it, your parents won't have to feel uncomfortable whenever they think of you."

Jing Jing smiled and said, "Don't talk about it anymore. We are a family and it can't be changed no matter what. You should think about it, why is Feng Xiner so good as a princess?"

An Yiqi said: "How about we grant the title of Princess Jiu'an and hope that Tianyun will be permanently stable and peaceful for a long time?"

An Yilin immediately agreed: "This is good!"

Su Yijing and the others also said this was good.

Jing Jing and Su Changyi had no objection, so the title of Princess Jiu An fell on Su Xin.

After confirming the title, Anjing held Su Xin's hand again and said with a smile: "Xin'er, you stay in the palace first. When your elder brother sends someone to issue the order, it won't be too late for you to go back. By the way, from now on you can You can’t call me and your father your father and mother. You have to call me your father and mother. As for your foster father and mother, don’t call me father and mother. Anyway, as long as your father and I don’t mind, no one will dare to correct you on this title. . If it’s a formal occasion, you have to address me and your father as mother and queen, do you understand?”

Su Xin smiled and said, "Mom, I know everything. Don't worry, I won't reveal anything."

Jing Jing smiled and sighed, "I really can't bear to have you go back to the Tao family, but I can't let you go back. You ended up marrying into the Tao family anyway."

An Yiqing smiled and said, "Just let me stay in the palace for a few days and then go back."

Su Xin said: "I would like to stay here with my parents and brothers for a few days, but I'm afraid my husband will be worried." She had just met her parents and brother, and she actually didn't want to separate from them so soon.

An Yiqing smiled and said: "Brother will send someone to the Tao Mansion today to issue an order. Then just ask that person to tell his brother-in-law that you will stay in the palace for two days and then go back. However, I do listen to me. My father-in-law said that Tao Mingye and his wife are very affectionate, and if you don't want to stay in the palace for two days, you will definitely be reluctant to leave your husband at home alone. "

Su Xin smiled heartily and said: "It's not really a reluctance. It's just that my husband-in-law is not in good health and I'm a little worried. Otherwise, let me go back today. I'll come back tomorrow and take my husband-in-law to live with me." A few days are just enough for my husband to recognize you, and second brother can also see if my husband can cure this poison."

Jing Jing smiled and said: "Although I still don't want you to go back, your method will work. Come back tomorrow and bring your husband-in-law with you, and stay for a while before going back."

"Okay, mother." Su Xin nodded immediately.

Su Yijing left first and sent someone to the Tao Mansion with an imperial edict. But Su Yixing and the others did not leave, they were still in the palace where their parents lived.

Jing Jing even called all her daughter-in-law, grandchildren, and granddaughters here, saying that Su Xin was her newly adopted adopted daughter, and asked everyone to recognize her. Soon Su Xin became familiar with her sister-in-law, nephews, and nieces.


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