Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2563 Return to Tianyun 129

"Your Majesty, the King and Queen have sent someone to give you something."

When Su Xin and the others heard this, they quickly stood up. As soon as he stood up, he saw the chief eunuch of the palace, leading a group of people, either carrying things or holding things, and brought them in one by one.

No one else entered the main hall, but stopped in the courtyard. Only the eunuch chief came in.

"See you, Princess." The chief eunuch held a whisk in his hand and saluted Su Xin before continuing: "The King and the Queen asked the old slave to deliver something to Princess."

After saying that, he walked out of the main hall again, stood at the door of the main hall, opened a booklet in his hand, and read loudly: "The King and the Queen gave Princess Jiu'an a pair of five phoenix golden hairpins; a pair of night-bright pearls; a pair of jade Ruyi; ring fingers A pair; a red coral tree; a red sandalwood eight-treasure inlaid hanging screen, an inserted screen, a seat screen, a painting screen, a table screen, and an inkstone screen; two pairs of colorful glazed palace lanterns; and twelve pieces of palace brocade."

Every time the chief eunuch said something, someone would bring the thing in and place it in front of Su Xin.

A total of fifty-four things, each of which was valuable, were neatly placed in front of Su Xin. Wan Banyan's eyes were red with jealousy anyway.

"Princess, please put it away." Once everything was brought in, the head eunuch closed the booklet and gave it to Su Xin.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

"Princess, you're sorry. The old slave is still anxious to go back and recover his life, so he left first." After saying that, the eunuch chief gave Su Xin a slight salute, and then led the people to leave Tao's house and return to the palace.

When the king and queen give you something, that is a great honor.

Tao Chengyin looked at the things and was very happy. When he saw everyone had left, he said to Su Xin: "The king and the queen like the princess so much. From now on, the princess must serve the king and the queen well to live up to the king's kindness."

Su Xin smiled and said, "That's natural." She kissed her parents, how could she not treat them well?

"Your Majesty, thanks to you, I have never seen such a good thing." Tao Chengyin's concubine, Aunt Feng, said.

Aunt Zhu and Aunt Fang agreed, saying yes.

Tao Mingsheng, Tao Mingxiang, Tao Mingqing, and Tao Mingfang looked around at these things, which also opened their eyes.

Both Tao Minghai and Cao could bear it, even if they were smoking, seeing Tao Mingsheng, the concubines, concubines, and the three aunts looking curious as if they had never seen the world, they couldn't help but hummed in a low voice: "I have never seen the world. thing."

The concubines, concubines, and three aunts were immediately extremely embarrassed. They stopped looking at those things and stepped back one after another.

Su Xin heard Wan Banyan's snort, but ignored Wan Banyan. Instead, she said to her maid: "Hongye, when I got married, I didn't prepare any gifts for my younger siblings. Now it's just the time for the Wang parents to After these things were sent, let's use a piece of palace brocade to make clothes for each of the three aunts, the third brother, the fourth sister, the fifth brother, and the sixth sister. Wait, you can have someone send it to them."

"Yes, Princess." Hongye responded quickly.

This palace brocade is the brocade in the palace. It is specially provided for the royal family. How can ordinary people use it, and they have never even seen it. Now they each have one, and the three aunts Feng, Zhu, and Fang, together with Sheng, Xiang, and Qing and Fang, the four concubines and concubines, all happily thanked her.

Su Xin said to Hongye again: "The desk screen in dad's study is old. Give dad this eight-treasure rosewood desk screen and replace it with that one. You can send someone to deliver it to dad later."

"Yes, princess." Hongye responded quickly. Chapter content is being restored, please visit again later.

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