Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2591 Return to Tianyun 157

"Mr., my stomach hurts so much." Wan Banyan curled up on the ground, holding his stomach, his face pale, sweating and crying out in pain.

Tao Minghai was even more frightened. He picked up Wan Banyan and ran back to the yard, while he hurriedly sent for the doctor.

Before the doctor came, Mrs. Cao and the others heard that Wan Banyan had a stomachache, so they all came over worriedly.

Wan Banyan just lay on the bed, his stomach hurt, and even his white dress was stained with blood.

When everyone saw it, they felt a little unsure.

Sure enough, when the doctor came to see her, Wan Banyan had indeed had a miscarriage.

Wan Banyan had a miscarriage, and Tao Chengyin immediately scolded: "Why are you going out for a walk at night? It's okay now! The kids are all gone!"

As soon as Tao Chengyin came to see Wan Banyan, he asked what was going on. Tao Minghai lied, saying that he and Wan Banyan were out for a walk, but Wan Banyan accidentally tripped and fell, and that was it.

Mr. Cao also scolded him. While crying, he scolded: "My eldest grandson has been tortured to death by you like this! How heartless are you? You still go out to torment it after dark! What will happen if you go out tomorrow!"

Wan Banyan and Tao Minghai both felt so miserable that they couldn't express their feelings. They didn't expect this either. It was clear that good days were coming, but the child was gone.

Su Xin also heard that Wan Banyan had fallen, so she helped Tao Mingye come over to see him. At this moment, they were sitting in the room.

Listening to Tao Chengyin and Cao's scolding, Su Xin felt sorry for Wan Banyan that the child was lost like this. She and her husband-in-law wanted to have a child but never got pregnant.

If she was pregnant with a child, she would definitely protect herself better and prevent the child in her belly from being harmed.

Wan Banyan still had a severe stomachache and was scolded by Tao Chengyin and Cao, so she felt aggrieved. When she saw Tao Mingye and Su Xin were there, she wiped away her tears while covering up her hatred for Tao Mingye and Su Xin. .

If she hadn't threatened Aunt Zhou to burn these two people to death, would she have gone out at night? Had a miscarriage?

It can be seen that at this moment, Wan Banyan completely blamed Su Xin and Tao Mingye for accidentally aborting her child.

After everyone left, Tao Minghai became much colder to her because the child was gone, which made Wan Banyan wish that Su Xin and Tao Mingye would die soon. She felt that it was Su Xin and Tao Mingye who caused her to be like this now!

Aunt Zhou waited until the last night of the three-day period given by Tao Minghai and Wan Banyan to start doing things.

After Su Xin, Tao Mingye and the others had finished their dinner, it was getting dark, and after all the maids and guards in the courtyard had finished their dinner, she saw that she was the only one cleaning the kitchen, so she took out all the oil in the kitchen. , poured half of it on the walls around the kitchen, and scattered the firewood in the kitchen all over the kitchen. Then she lit the firewood, which immediately burst into flames.

She didn't wait for the maids and guards in the courtyard to react. She took a torch and a can of oil and rushed towards the room where Su Xin and Tao Mingye lived. The guards saw them, but they were a little far away from her and didn't stop them. She, she lit the doors and windows of Su Xin and Tao Mingye's room, and poured oil on them.

Immediately, she knew that she would never survive the murder of the princess and the consort, so as soon as she finished these tasks, she didn't even wait for the guards to catch her. She slammed her head into the pillar next to her and died on the spot.

Because the weather has been extremely dry these days, and the houses are mostly made of wood and connected together, the fire soon swept through the yard where Su Xin and Tao Mingye lived.

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