Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2607 Return to Tianyun 173

His status in his heart is extraordinary. Now that he is confused, he has done something wrong, and he really deserves it. He can accept this, but he feels really uncomfortable in his heart.

On the day Tao Minghai was beheaded, Tao Chengyin fell ill. It was a heart disease. After being ill for several days, he no longer felt so uncomfortable. Tao Chengyin slowly got better and continued to work as an errand in the Ministry of Rites.

Ever since Tao Minghai was arrested by the Ministry of Punishment, Ms. Cao has been ill. Now that Tao Minghai has been beheaded, Ms. Cao has become even more seriously ill. However, relying on her desire to avenge her son, she slowly cheered up.

She must kill Su Xin and Tao Mingye and let them be buried with her son!

Because Tao Ming was awake all night, and the rest he only needed to take medicine and recuperate from his injuries, Su Yixing came to Tao Mansion twice more, and no longer came every day, but only came to Tao Mansion every few days. One trip.

On this day, the second day of November, the wound on Tao Mingye's back had healed, and it would not tear even if he stood up. Only then did Su Xin allow Tao Mingye to get up, walk around, and sit down.

Tao Mingye was very happy that he didn't have to lie down in the same position every day.

During lunch, the two of them sat next to each other. Tao Mingye gave Su Xin a lot of fish, but when Su Xin was about to eat the fish, she felt sick and wanted to vomit before the fish had even entered her mouth. She rushed out of the room and retched. went.

Tao Mingye was so frightened that he quickly called for the imperial doctor.

Seeing that the guards were riding fast horses to ask for the imperial doctor, but Su Xin was still retching, Hongye said anxiously: "I just saw a doctor go to the Fourth Miss's hospital, saying that the Fourth Miss had caught a cold. Let him take care of it. Why don't we call him over first and let him take a look at it first?"

When Tao Mingye heard this, he immediately said, "Then go to Mingxiang's place and call the doctor over."

Hong Ye left immediately.

Soon the doctor came very respectfully. Although Su Xin no longer retched, her face was horribly pale due to retching.

The doctor carefully checked Princess Su Xin's pulse. Once he was sure of the cause, he stood up, knelt down and said congratulations: "Congratulations, my congratulations, congratulations, my congratulations. The princess is pregnant. She has been pregnant for two months."

"Really?!" Tao Mingye couldn't believe it. Is his precious wife pregnant?

Su Xin couldn't believe it either. She and her husband-in-law were so eager to have a child, and now it was really coming?

The doctor said: "It's absolutely true. People have checked the pulse for so many years, and they can't make a mistake in the diagnosis. This is the happy pulse, and the princess is happy."

Tao Mingye was so happy that he quickly asked someone to reward the doctor.

The doctor kowtows and receives the reward. Because Su Xin suffered from morning sickness, which was a normal reaction, no medicine was prescribed for Su Xin.

Hongye sends the doctor away.

Rusong and the others were also very happy. They also know a little bit that their masters all want to have a child.

Su Xin was lying on the bed at the moment. Tao Mingye was so happy that he held Su Xin's hand as soon as he sat on the bed: "Xin'er, you are pregnant. We are going to have a baby."

"Yeah." Su Xin was also very happy. She had always been looking forward to having a child, and now she finally got her wish.

Unconsciously, her hand touched her still flat stomach. A little life has been conceived here, the child of her and her father-in-law. It is great, great.

When the imperial doctor came, he also diagnosed Su Xin Youxi.

Tao Mingye rewarded the imperial doctor again.

The imperial doctor also gave some instructions that should be paid attention to during pregnancy. Tao Mingye remembered them carefully before letting the imperial doctor go.

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