Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2610 Return to Tianyun 176

Jing Jing and Su Changyi quickly entered the main hall again.

It wasn't until there were only the three of them in the room that Anjing said, "You should hurry up and tell me, I'm so anxious!"

Su Yixing quickly comforted him: "Mom, don't worry, it's like this. The poison in Mingye's body will be more or less passed on to the child. This child will not be born, and even if it is born, it will be stillborn."

"How could this happen?" Jing Jing couldn't believe it. She almost lost her balance. Fortunately, Su Changyi hurriedly supported her.

"Your Majesty," Su Yixing hurriedly supported An Jing, "I don't want this child, but when the poison in Mingye's body is cleared, I can let my little sister have a child. You really don't have to worry. This is the child, come on It’s not the right time.”

Jing Jing said: "Your little sister has been looking forward to having a child. How can you make her accept this?"

Su Yixing said: "There is nothing we can do about it. The child has not yet formed in her belly. It is too fragile and cannot bear any poison. It will not survive anyway. It is best to abort it now." To avoid having a stillborn baby in the future and hurting my little sister’s body even more.”

"Stillborn" Not to mention Su Xin, An Jing couldn't even accept this fact now.

Su Yixing sighed: "If we really want to keep this child, the best he can do is die before birth, but the greater possibility is that the child will be stillborn when he is five or six months pregnant. This poison really makes this child The baby can't survive until my little sister gives birth to him. Mom, you have to persuade my little sister to abort the child as soon as she is less than three months pregnant. Otherwise, the longer you delay, the more harm will be done to your body. Maybe the little girl who will be harmed will also die."

Su Changyi frowned and finally spoke: "Isn't there a way to cure it?"

Su Yixing shook his head, "I can't help it. This child really came at the wrong time. Obviously in a few months, the poison in Mingye's body will be cleared. When the poison in Mingye's body is cleared, the little sister will be gone again." If you are pregnant with a child, the child will be normal. I really can’t have this child now. For my little sister’s sake, parents, you must persuade me to abort the child as soon as possible. Forget it, I’ll go with you. I still have to give my little sister an abortion pill."

Anjing held him back, still unwilling to accept the fact: "Is there really nothing you can do? Your little sister told me last time that she was looking forward to having a child. How can she bear it when you do this?"

Su Yixing also felt very uncomfortable: "If I had my way, would I ask my parents to help persuade my little sister to abort the child? Mom, I really can't help it. I really can't have this child. I won't harm her." My little sister, you believe me.”

"It's not that I don't believe you," Jing Jing's eyes turned red, "I'm afraid that your little sister won't be able to bear it and will go crazy."

Su Yixing felt even more uncomfortable, "My younger sister and Mingye are still young, and they have a long time to live in the future. This child is gone, and we can have another baby later."

Su Changyi closed his eyes before saying, "Let's go to Tao Mansion and let Xiner abort the child."

"Ms. sir!" Jing Jing almost cried. She could really understand her little daughter's desire to have a child. Now she finally got pregnant, but she couldn't have it. She was really afraid that her daughter wouldn't be able to bear it.

Su Changyi said: "Do you want Xin'er to have an accident because of this child? There may be more children in the future, but Xin'er is the only one. Jing'er, be obedient, do you think I just want to abort Xin'er's child?" Well, that’s either my grandson or my granddaughter.”

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