Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2613 Return to Tianyun 179

Chapter 2613 Return to Tianyun (179)

Su Xin cried and shook her head, "What if I can't get pregnant in the future? What if I can only get pregnant with this one? No, no, I don't want to abort this child, no."

Tao Mingye wiped her tears and said, "In the worst case, we won't have children. It's not like we can't live together on our own. It doesn't matter. Xin'er, be obedient. Nothing is more important than your life. Be obedient."

Su Xin was still crying and shaking her head, totally disagreeing.

At this time, no matter how uncomfortable An Jing was, she could only persuade him: "Xin'er, don't be so pessimistic. Mingye is so weak now that he can get you pregnant. When he gets better in the future, you will be even more pregnant." It’s a child. Besides, it’s okay even if you can’t conceive in the future. If you really want a child, you can adopt one.”

Su Xin still cried and shook her head.

Su Changyi also spoke: "Do you want to die with your child, or live a good life, be your father-in-law, and be with all of us? Only if you survive, will there be infinite possibilities, instead of being obsessed with this one and you will not be able to survive at all. "

Su Xin still kept shaking her head and refused to listen to the advice at all.

Su Yixing didn't want anything to happen to his sister, so he walked directly to the table and started to write a prescription as soon as he sat down: "I'll prescribe a prescription for an abortion. Mingye, you have someone get the medicine and prepare it for her to drink."

"I won't drink! Don't let anyone try to abort my child! Don't let anyone try!" Su Xin shouted excitedly at Su Yixing, her face twisted.

Tao Mingye choked up and said: "Second brother, don't force her. If you force her like this, she will go crazy. We really want to have a child, but we can't have it now. Give her some time and let me persuade her." Advise her."

Jing Jing wiped away her tears and said, "Xing'er, it's okay for you to have a prescription, but don't be so anxious. This matter is so sudden. At least give Xin'er time to accept it."

Su Changyi also said: "Let her calm down."

Su Yixing said: "I don't want to be in such a hurry, but the longer this is delayed, the worse it will be for her health. Especially after three months of pregnancy. Mingye, I have just told you the stakes, and you all know it." , you have to stick to your stance on this matter.”

Tao Mingye said: "I would rather have something happen to me than to her. Second brother, don't worry, I will definitely let her abort this child."

"I won't abort it!" This time, Su Xin screamed at Tao Mingye.

This was also the first time Su Xin yelled at Tao Mingye.

Tao Mingye was slightly stunned by the yelling. Su Xin took advantage of this opportunity to break free from Tao Mingye's arms. She opened the door and ran away without caring about Su Yixing and the others.


Tao Mingye, Jing Jing, and Su Yixing were all anxious and wanted to chase them, but Su Changyi stopped them.

All I heard was Su Changyi said: "Let her be alone."

"But" Tao Mingye was still worried.

Su Changyi said: "You should also understand your wife. She will not let anything happen to her. She just ran away because she didn't want us to abort her child."

Tao Mingye fell silent.

Jing Jing comforted him: "There is no other way to get rid of this child, so don't feel too bad."

Tao Mingye endured the discomfort and said, "Xin'er is well, that's more important than anything else."

Anjing was very pleased to hear it. Her daughter was right. There’s no such thing as the wrong person.

Su Yixing gave Tao Mingye the prescription for an abortion and said, "This child is yours. Please advise her as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm a little afraid that I won't be able to save her life."

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