Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2633 Return to Tianyun 199

Tao Mingsheng and the others immediately said happily: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your great kindness!"

This murder of the princess implicated five clans. Tao Minghai and Wan Banyan were confused last time and they were almost killed. Fortunately, Su Xin did not pursue the case. If it was really the Cao family this time, they were worried that they would also be implicated. , but now Her Royal Highness Princess Su Xin has spoken. As long as she doesn't care about their affairs, they won't be punished, and they will naturally be happy.

The Minister of Punishment personally interrogated him. Faced with various instruments of torture, Cao refused to admit that he had done it.

Manjuan and Manhe couldn't bear it any more. Just a pinch of their fingers was so painful that they immediately confessed everything.

As for the people who made mung bean cakes, boiled medicine, etc., because only the Cao family, Manjuan, and Manhe knew about this matter, they could not explain anything. In addition, Manjuan and Manhe had all confessed, so the Minister of Punishment had no trouble for them. .

Su Xin was burned last time and poisoned this time. Both times, she, the princess, was going to die. The king and the emperor were furious, and because Manhe and Manjuan couldn't stand the torture, they quickly confessed, In less than a day, the Minister of Punishment quickly reported the situation to the king and the emperor.

When the Minister of Punishment reported the matter, Su Xin, Tao Mingye, and Tao Chengyin were all nearby.

The Minister of Punishment said: "Ms. Tao Cao still refuses to admit it, but her two maids, Manhemanjuan, have fully confessed. They said that Cao not only asked them to poison the consort this time, but also said that the consort has been there since he was born. , he was poisoned by Mr. Cao, which is why the prince-in-law is in such poor health. "

Tao Chengyin never expected that not only this time, but also his eldest son would be poisoned since he was a child. He had no sympathy for Cao in the first place, but now he has even less sympathy for Cao. He even hates Cao because he thinks Cao is too vicious. Such harm to his son.

Su Xin and the others had already guessed it, so they weren't surprised at all.

The Minister of Punishment continued: "But poisoning the princess, just this time. Originally they thought the poison would not be discovered, but they didn't expect it to be discovered this time. This kind of poison is so poisonous that doctors can't even feel the pulse, and it has no taste. , it has to reach a certain dose to cause death. Ms. Cao didn't want to poison the prince-in-law at first. She just thought that the prince-in-law was the eldest son of the concubine and a thorn in her side. She felt that poisoning the prince-in-law to death was too cheap, so she thought To torture the prince-in-law, we did not poison him a lot at once, but poisoned him bit by bit, and every once in a while, the prince-in-law became worse and worse. "

"That's so vicious!" Su Xin said angrily. At the same time, he explained: "You can't detect this poison with ordinary silver needles. It's just that I added something to the silver needles and it worked out."

"That's it." The Minister of Punishment nodded with understanding and respect, and then continued: "They also confessed that Tao Cao was the one who poisoned the Prince Consort's biological mother to death."

"What?!" Tao Chengyin was shocked. He was so surprised that he blurted out.

The Minister of Punishment said: "Manjuan's mother was once the dowry maid of Tao Cao. Manjuan confessed that her mother told her personally that Cao gave her poison and asked her to give birth to the concubine. The prince-in-law was poisoned to death, and the reason why was still unknown. It was Manjuan's mother who followed Tao Cao's orders to do the poisoning. Later, Manjuan's mother died and Manjuan became Tao. Cao's maid started to take over the job with Man He and continued to poison the medicine taken by the Prince Consort. "

. Nine Heavens God Emperor:

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