Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2645 Return to Tianyun 211

"Your hands are quite warm. I can't tell you are so resistant to freezing." Su Xin held the hand of Su Yuxin, her eldest niece, and found that it was really warm. At first, she was worried that she was cold, but now she is not worried anymore.

Su Yuxin sat on the kang with her sister-in-law Su Xin and said with a smile: "I will follow my grandfather. Grandpa is also very energetic. He is not afraid of the cold at all. No matter how cold it is, his hands will be warm."

Su Xin laughed: "Your father must be very sad to hear that."

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "Dad can't do that. He is very filial. Every time I say that I will follow my grandfather, my father will be very happy. He also tells me to be filial to my grandfather and grandma and not to disobey them."

Tao Mingye took the tea brought by Hongye, placed it in front of Su Yuxin, and said with a smile: "No matter how cold you are, you should drink a cup of hot tea. If it gets really cold, everyone will be heartbroken."

Su Yuxin picked up the hot tea and said with a smile: "Not many people feel sorry for me, like my sister-in-law. She only feels sorry for you, my precious husband, so she won't feel sorry for me. She feels so sorry for you that you can't help but feel sorry for me. She doesn't at all." Sora loves me."

"You have such a mouth, I really want to tear it apart." Su Xin smiled and hugged her eldest niece. "Even if I feel sorry for your brother-in-law, I still have time to feel sorry for you. Don't be really sick. Take a sip to get rid of the cold."

"Eh." Su Yuxin smiled and took a sip of hot tea.

Tao Mingye looked towards the door and then asked, "Isn't Sixiu here?"

Su Yu thought: "What's he doing here? I'm here alone. Brother-in-law, please stop looking, he's not here."

Tao Mingye smiled warmly and said, "Every time I see you, he is always with you. I thought you were with him again today."

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "Every time I'm with him, I'm bumped into by you and my sister-in-law. It's natural for you to think so. In fact, I'm not always with him."

Su Xin smiled and said: "It's okay for you to lie to your brother-in-law, but it's not okay for you to lie to my sister-in-law. But I heard your grandma and mother said that you are always with Sixiu, you guys But childhood sweethearts, in everyone’s eyes, you and Sixiu have been a couple for a long time.”

Su Yuxin snorted and said with a look of incomprehension: "Even if I'm always with him, I won't be understood by you as a couple. I just can't understand you anyway."

Su Xin smiled and said, "Just be tough. Could it be that if Si Xiu wants to marry you, will you not marry me?"

Although Meng Sixiu and she grew up together and have always been together, she actually has no feelings for Meng Sixiu. However, Meng Sixiu is a very good person. He takes care of her and tolerates her. In addition, everyone misses her too. She would not object to being with Meng Sixiu and marrying Meng Sixiu.

Mainly because she doesn't have anyone she likes. If marrying Meng Sixiu would make everyone happy, she really wouldn't object.

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "Whether you want to marry or not, let's wait until Meng Sixiu says he wants to marry me."

Anyway, so far, she has not heard Meng Sixiu say that he wants to marry her.

Su Xin smiled and said, "It's only a matter of time before you two get married anyway."

Su Yuxin smiled and begged for mercy: "I've heard what you said countless times from my mother and others, can you stop saying it?"

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you if I don't tell you." Su Xin smiled and stopped teasing her eldest niece. "Come, let's eat the lotus seed cake. This was just made, and the red leaves were just served. Your uncle and I heard your voice before we even had a chance to take a bite."

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