Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2654 Return to Tianyun 220

I saw Su Changyi getting off the carriage and saying calmly: "Let's talk about it when we get up."

Jing Jing also said: "Yes, get up. Although the weather is good today, it is still quite cold. The ground must be even colder. You are not young anymore, so you should pay more attention to your health."

But Meng Lanqing refused to get up: "Thank you sir and madam for your concern, but Meng Sixiu, an unfilial son, has gone too far. I don't dare to get up, and I can't get up."

Quietly they were all more curious.

Su Yuxin asked curiously: "Uncle Lan Qing, what are you talking about?"

Before Meng Lanqing could speak, An Yiqing, who was standing aside with his arms folded, snorted coldly: "What else can happen? That bastard Meng Sixiu went to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice to propose marriage, and he will marry his legitimate daughter Shi Zhenzhen in half a year! "

Su Yuxin was stunned for a moment, not believing her ears. How could Meng Sixiu marry someone else? Doesn't he like himself?

Su Changyi felt that his precious granddaughter had been played with, and he was extremely protective of his shortcomings and immediately became furious: "Come here, go and capture Meng Sixiu for me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The captain of the guard immediately led his men to arrest Meng Sixiu.

An Yiqing sneered and said to Su Yijing and the others: "I told you to catch that bastard Meng Sixiu as soon as possible. If you don't believe it, you have to get your parents back. Now that it's fine, it's better to catch him."

Su Yijing's expression turned even more ugly. His precious daughter was being played with, and he wanted to kill Meng Sixiu, but the relationship between the two families prevented him from doing that.

Seeing that the eldest brother Su Yijing's face was even more ugly, An Yizhi quickly pulled down An Yiqing's clothes and whispered: "Third brother, please stop saying a few words and don't add fuel to the fire!"

An Yiqing immediately said angrily: "What do you mean by adding fuel to the fire? Yu Xin was abandoned by him like this, why don't you be angry!"

An Yizhi immediately stopped talking. To be honest, he also wanted to kill Meng Sixiu.

Su Yixing and others all had this idea.

Although Feng Feiyan was very strict with her daughter Su Yuxin and usually had many rules, but this was her eldest daughter. How precious she was to this eldest daughter. Everyone knew that now her eldest daughter had been abandoned. She turned around and was about to marry someone else. She couldn't bear the anger, and she had to care about the relationship between the two families. She couldn't help but blush.

Jing Jing was also very angry, and shouted angrily: "Is Meng Sixiu crazy? I usually ask him, but he doesn't say a word, and now he suddenly attacks me by surprise, and still marries someone else! This is simply too much!"

An Yiqing immediately agreed: "Mom, you are right, he is just too much! If he had already shown that he would not marry me, who would regard them as a couple? Everyone is still wondering when they will Can get married!"

Feng Feiyan saw that her eldest daughter didn't say anything, thinking that her eldest daughter was too sad, so she walked to her eldest daughter, hugged her eldest daughter, and comforted her with a choked voice: "Xin'er, don't be sad. , He is not the only man in the world, if he doesn’t marry you, there are many others who will marry you.”

Su Yuxin finally came to her senses, but she couldn't laugh or cry. She was not sad at all, and she felt relaxed all over, as if a burden on her had been lifted.

However, if she said that, no one would believe it.

She was just too surprised.

She didn't expect that Meng Sixiu would marry someone else so suddenly.

So, she didn't say whether she was hurt or not, but said to Su Changyi: "Grandpa, forget it, he is free to marry whomever he wants."

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