Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2656 Return to Tianyun 222

Gong Juechen shrugged, with a scowl on his face, looking indifferent: "It depends on the situation, as long as your aunt doesn't come to me, I don't have to help him, but if your aunt comes to me and asks me to help him, I will No way. You also know that I am your aunt, and I still love this sister."

An Yiqing was angry and speechless, and almost wanted to give Gong Juechen, his father-in-law, a big roll of his eyes. However, he also knew that Gong Juechen was telling the truth.

There is really nothing to say about Gong Juese, the younger sister that Gong Juechen has always doted on.

Ye Zhi felt a little relieved when she saw that Su Yuxin was not as sad as she imagined. Then, after hearing Gong Juechen's words, she squinted at Gong Juechen and said, "Can you be more sensible? This matter is obvious. Si Xiu is wrong!”

Gong Juechen smiled playfully: "I only know that Seise is my biological sister." And he promised his mother and concubine to take care of this sister.

Ye Zhi: ""This brother has no one other than her husband-in-law.

She knew that she couldn't explain it to her husband-in-law, and she knew how much her husband-in-law indulged his sister, so Ye Zhi didn't say anything to Gong Juechen, but walked to Su Yuxin's side to comfort Su Yuxin.

"Yu Xin, don't feel bad. Si Xiu is like this. It's clear that he's not worthy of your liking, and it's not worth it for you to feel bad."

Su Yuxin asked cautiously: "Grandma Ye Zi, can I say that I don't feel uncomfortable at all?"

Ye Zhi was silent for a moment and then said: "You are very strong."

Su Yuxin: ""

Gong Juechen came over with a playful smile, "Granddaughter Yu Xin, you are really strong. If any other girl had been abandoned, she would have cried a lot."

Su Changyi and Su Yijing's faces turned black.

Ye Zhi quickly covered Gong Juechen's mouth and squeezed out a voice from between her teeth: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

Quiet they are also very dissatisfied. Even though they felt that Meng Sixiu had abandoned their family Yu Xin, no one said it so straightforwardly. But now, Gong Juechen actually said it so loudly, really!

Su Yuxin only found it funny. What kind of abandonment is this? She had never gotten along with Meng Sixiu like a couple. She and Meng Sixiu were together from time to time at most. Now that Meng Sixiu married someone else, it really wasn't considered abandonment. She was really not sad at all.

But no one believed her.

Until Meng Sixiu was arrested, Su Yuxin spent her time under everyone's comfort.

To be precise, Meng Sixiu was not arrested, but walked in surrounded by the palace guards. As for why he walked away instead of being arrested, of course it was because Gong Juese, a very protective mother, was right next to him.

Even though Gong Juese was over sixty years old, his martial arts value was still very strong. In addition, Su Changyi did not let the guards take action against Gong Juese, so the guards naturally did not dare to take action against Gong Juese.

As soon as Meng Lanqing saw Meng Sixiu coming, she shouted: "Unfilial son, why don't you kowtow to the eldest princess and apologize!"

Meng Sixiu did not kowtow and apologize, but knelt down and saluted Su Changyi and Jingjing: "Kowtow to the king and queen, long live the king, long live the king, and the queen is a thousand years old."

Meng Sixiu grew up under the watch of Su Changyi and Jing Jing. He rarely gave Su Changyi and Jing Jing the same courtesy as he did now. He also never called Jing Jing and Su Changyi king and queen. They were always called Uncle Yi and Aunt Jing. They are like this today. , in fact, he was a lot alienated from Jing Jing and Su Changyi.

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