Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2661 Return to Tianyun 227

Chapter 2661 Return to Tianyun (227)

"But her crying like this doesn't make us feel comfortable," Jing Jing said in a very uncomfortable mood.

An Yiqing immediately said angrily: "It's all that Meng Sixiu's fault! Yu Xin likes him so much that he wants to marry someone else, and Yu Xin is still so protective of him. I really want to punch him to death!"

Gong Le hurriedly said: "Keep your voice down, don't let Yu Xin hear it. Besides, I just saw that Yu Xin didn't seem to be telling lies. Maybe she and Si Xiu are nothing."

Although An Yiqing lowered his voice, he was still angry: "They have always been in a couple, and who didn't know that they were in love! How could it be nothing! Yu Xin was protecting that bastard, and didn't want that bastard. Punished by us!"

Huo Qingyi believed that Su Yuxin's words were true and whispered: "Yuxin swore that if she had anything to do with him, she would be struck by lightning and die badly. This oath cannot be taken casually." "

An Yiqing immediately said: "Yu Xin actually swore such a poisonous oath for that bastard. If Yu Xin does this in the future, I will definitely kill that bastard with my own hands!"

Jing Jing originally believed Su Yuxin's words, but when An Yiqing said this, she swayed again and no longer believed it.

But she didn't say anything about this, but said: "Your father asked Meng Sixiu not to appear in front of us again. No one is allowed to mention Meng Sixiu from now on, especially in front of Yu Xin. You can't mention it."

Gong Juechen said with a playful smile: "Actually, it's okay for you to mention it in front of Yu Xin. That kind of poisonous oath is not just made casually. Yu Xin should really have nothing to do with my bastard nephew."

Everyone present had their own ideas, but most of them still felt that Su Yuxin liked Meng Sixiu.

Because for so many years, Su Yuxin and Meng Sixiu had always been in love with each other. They all saw it and felt that it was impossible not to be in love with each other.

Ye Zhi was afraid that Gong Juechen would say the wrong thing and make everyone's anger that had finally subsided rise again, so she said to Gong Juechen: "We are useless here, so let's go back first."

Gong Juechen knew that Ye Zhi was afraid that he would say the wrong thing, so he agreed: "Yeah."

Ye Zhi said to Gong Le: "Lele, if anything happens, just ask someone to tell me and your father."

"Hey!" Gong Le responded immediately.

Ye Zhi then pulled Gong Juechen and left.

Su Yuxin was still crying in the room.

Originally, the sun was shining high, and even if there was wind, it wouldn't feel that cold. But when the sun went down, the wind made people feel so cold that they only shook their heads.

Because Jing Jing and Su Changyi were worried, they still stood at the door of Su Yuxin's room despite the dissuasion of their sons and wives.

Su Yijing felt very uncomfortable. He was worried that something might happen to Su Yuxin, his precious daughter, and now he had to worry about something happening to his parents who were standing in this storm. He could only say loudly into the room: "Xin'er, it's so cold outside now." Look, even if you can bear to let us stand here and worry about you, can you also bear to let your grandparents, who are over sixty years old, stand here like this?"

When Su Yuxin heard this, she was afraid that her grandparents were really up to something, so she walked to the door of the room and opened the door while continuing to cry.

"Grandpa, grandma" Su Yuxin cried to Jing Jing and Su Changyi.

"Yu Xin" Jing Jing felt distressed and quickly put her precious granddaughter into her arms and hugged her.

Su Changyi simply said: "Go in."

When a group of people entered Su Yuxin's room, Su Yuxin was still crying in Anjing's arms, but Anjing and Su Changyi sat down, and the room was not cold. Su Yijing, Feng Feiyan and other sons, daughters-in-law also let go A lot of heart.

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