Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2665 Return to Tianyun 231

Chapter 2665 Return to Tianyun (231)

Su Xin nodded happily while touching her belly. Yeah, great. Yes, her and her husband's dream came true.

In fact, she didn't expect that she would get pregnant so soon, but now that she is pregnant, she is really happy.

The last child was aborted, and although she never said it, she still felt very uncomfortable every time she thought about it.

Now that she is pregnant again, it makes up for the regret she had with her father-in-law. She will not feel particularly uncomfortable every time she thinks about her last child, and she will feel better.

Gong Juechen smiled and said, "Based on the speed at which your husband-in-law is getting you pregnant, I guess you will have a few more."

Su Xin just laughed, not knowing what to say.

Tao Mingye, on the other hand, coughed dryly and then said with a warm smile: "It's enough to have just one child, not so much."

In fact, he would like to have more children, but considering that pregnancy and childbirth are very difficult tasks, he feels sorry for his wife and does not want his wife to get pregnant again.

So, all it takes is having a child.

As soon as Su Xin heard Tao Mingye's words, she knew that Tao Mingye was thinking about her, and they were sweet and heart-warming.

Jing Jing smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

Although Su Changyi didn't show it on his face, he was quite satisfied with Tao Mingye as his son-in-law.

Su Yuxin looked at Su Xin's belly and sighed, "My little sister is one year younger than me and she's already going to be a mother."

Jing Jing laughed: "When you get married, you will also be a mother."

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "I don't know where my husband is yet. Let's wait until we meet him."

Su Xin and Tao Mingye also thought that Su Yuxin and Meng Sixiu were in love before, but since the last time Su Yuxin cried and swore viciously, they no longer think so.

Everyone present now believed that Su Yuxin didn't like Meng Sixiu, so no one mentioned Meng Sixiu.

Su Xin smiled and said, "You've only been hanging around your grandparents all day. Meeting your future husband is harder than climbing to heaven."

Su Yuxin immediately hugged grandma Jing Jing and then hugged grandpa Su Changyi, "I just like to accompany my grandparents. Even if I can't get married, I will always stay with grandpa and grandma."

Jing Jing and Su Changyi were very happy to hear this, and it was not in vain that they loved their granddaughter so much.

Ye Zhi joked: "If you really meet someone you like when the time comes, even if your grandparents tell you not to get married with snot and tears, you will rush to get married quickly."

It made everyone laugh.

Su Yuxin didn't care either, and let Ye Zhi, the grandma, tease her with a smile. Anyway, she still doesn't know what it feels like to like a man. As for whether she will be eager to marry herself if she really meets the one she likes, to be honest, she doesn't know.

"You're not talking about my pregnancy, why are you talking about my heart?" Su Xin smiled obviously, but pretended to be unhappy.

Jing Jing immediately smiled and said: "Then let's continue talking about your pregnancy, right? Let your uncle Gong tell you some things you should pay attention to during pregnancy."

Gong Juechen said with a playful smile: "Don't let me say it. Let Chang Yi say it. You have given birth to so many children and he has taken care of them. He is very experienced. Besides, he is always sitting down. It’s better to talk less and let him speak.”

Su Xin also thought it would be better to let Su Changyi talk more, so she went to act like a baby to Su Changyi, the father, and asked Su Changyi to tell her and Tao Mingye what they should pay attention to.

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