Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2667 Return to Tianyun 233

Chapter 2667 Return to Tianyun (233)

She came to Tao Mansion often, and almost everyone in Tao Mansion knew her as the eldest princess.

As soon as the maids and servants in Tao Mingqing's courtyard saw Su Yuxin, they wanted to salute Su Yuxin.

The window of the study room was open, and Tao Mingqing was sitting under the window reading. She didn't want to disturb Tao Mingqing. Seeing that everyone wanted to salute her, Su Yuxin quickly lowered her voice and refused to do so. She also signaled everyone to keep the noise down to avoid disturbing her. It disturbed Tao Mingqing from reading.

Immediately, Su Yuxin quietly went to the study room.

The study door was wide open, and Su Yuxin walked in quietly. Seeing that Tao Mingqing was only reading seriously and didn't notice her coming at all, she continued to walk quietly and came behind Tao Mingqing in a funny way.

Then, a head popped out from behind Tao Mingqing, smiling: "Xiao Qingqing, you are reading a book."

"Scared!" Tao Mingqing suddenly jumped up in fright, losing his book and turning pale.

When he realized it was Su Yuxin, he wanted to kneel down quickly and salute Su Yuxin: "The common people bow to your highness the princess."

But Su Yuxin hurriedly supported him, preventing him from saluting, and said with a smile: "I didn't come here to ask you to salute me. I came to see if you have a tan. Fortunately, you don't have a tan. I Don’t worry, otherwise you’d be ugly, so you’d better look whiter.”

Tao Mingqing froze. Men and women are not close to each other, and she is holding his arms

Seeing that he was frozen, Su Yuxin realized that something was wrong. She quickly smiled and retracted her hand, and then said boldly: "I don't think it's a big deal for a girl. What do you mind? Okay, you can sit down and continue reading. I I just came to take a look, I didn’t want to disturb your preparation for the exam.”

Tao Mingqing fell in love with Su Yuxin at the first sight and found Su Yuxin touching and cute.

Now, his sweetheart was right in front of him. Even though his heart was pounding, he still said quickly: "Don't dare, don't dare."

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's the common people's honor that the princess can come to the humble residence. How dare you disturb the common people."

Su Yuxin smiled and said: "Don't call yourself a grass-roots citizen. You have been admitted as a scholar and are a literary scholar. You should call yourself a student. However, if you insist on calling yourself a grass-roots citizen, then you can call yourself a grass-roots citizen. They are all self-proclaimed anyway. It’s not a big deal.”

"Your Highness, please take a seat." Tao Mingqing wanted to invite Su Yuxin to sit down in the seat outside the study.

But Su Yuxin said: "Don't go sit there. You can continue reading while you are sitting there. I really want to see if you have turned darker. Look outside. The sun is becoming more and more fierce day by day. You must not If you get tanned, you’d be really ugly.”

Speaking of this, she still looked serious.

Tao Mingqing was silent for a moment and then said: "The common people have to prepare for the exam. They stay indoors and rarely go out. They won't get tanned. Please rest assured, Your Highness, Princess." Although he felt in his heart that he would not become ugly if he didn't get tanned. , it has nothing to do with Su Yuxin, the eldest princess.

Su Yuxin nodded with satisfaction, then urged: "Sit down, how did you read just now, how do you continue to read now."

Tao Mingqing could only sit down again, but felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Su Yuxin didn't sit down, but was lying on the other side of the desk, holding her face in her hands and looking at Tao Mingqing. While looking at it, she said: "It's good to take the martial arts exam, but I still admire the martial arts exam." After a pause, she said, "I have always used my fists to deal with all kinds of dissatisfaction."

Tao Mingqing: ""He really didn't see how violent she was.

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