Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2670 Return to Tianyun 236

Chapter 2670 Return to Tianyun (236)

After a pause, Tao Mingye continued: "It's important to get ahead, but it's not as important as your body."

Tao Mingqing immediately learned the lesson and said: "What the elder brother said is absolutely true."

After chatting for a few more words, Tao Mingqing left.

After Tao Mingqing left, Su Xin smiled at Tao Mingye and said, "I am becoming more and more optimistic about the two of them now."

Who are these two? Naturally, it refers to Tao Mingqing and Su Yuxin.

Tao Mingye smiled and said: "Looking at the way the fifth brother is acting, she is interested in Yu Xin, but Yu Xin is very playful. I can't see what she means to the fifth brother. What is certain is that Yu Xin is interested in the fifth brother. I’m quite considerate, and I’ve even visited Fifth Brother several times before.”

Su Xin smiled and said: "We can't force this relationship thing. Let them develop on their own. Not everyone is like us. It only takes a short while to fall in love with each other."

Tao Mingye smiled and nodded.

Su Xin continued: "Then I will send someone into the palace to talk to Yu Xin?"


Su Xin turned her head and was about to call out for a guard to come in, but before she started calling, she saw Rusong running in hurriedly and said to them: "The eldest princess is here!"

When Su Xin heard this, she immediately smiled at her husband-in-law Tao Mingye and said, "Oh, this is quite a coincidence."

Tao Mingye just laughed.

At this time, Su Yu came in happily with her heart jumping. She glanced at Su Xin's still flat belly and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, why hasn't your belly gotten bigger yet? I'm here to see how big your belly is."

Su Xin asked her to sit down and said with a smile: "You don't make a draft when you lie. It's not like you don't know that I'm not even three months pregnant, and I'm not pregnant with multiple fetuses. How can my belly grow so fast?"

Su Yuxin argued: "Although it's not three months yet, it's almost three months. My grandparents are thinking about this every day. If my uncle hadn't taken good care of you, they could rest assured. Otherwise, they would have been worried about you every day." Come to see you, or take you to live in the palace."

Su Xin laughed: "You little naughty boy, I won't argue with you about this. You came just in time. I was about to send someone to the palace to tell you."

Su Yuxin immediately asked curiously: "Tell me what?"

Su Xin took one of her hands and smiled at her: "Didn't you ask someone to tell you if he passed the exam before? Now that he has passed the exam, he can't go to the palace to tell you, so he can only ask me to tell you. One sound."

Su Yuxin immediately smiled and said, "I came here just because I heard that he passed the exam. Look, I brought gifts." As she said that, she motioned Su Xin and Tao Mingye to look at the maids and guards behind her. something in hand.

Su Xin immediately poked her with her finger, "Tell me you're a naughty little kid! You even said you came here to see my sister-in-law's big belly! I know you're lying!"

"Hey," Su Yuxin didn't feel embarrassed or embarrassed, "Although I didn't come specifically to see you, sister-in-law, I came to you as soon as I entered the Tao Mansion. It shows that I still have sister-in-law in my heart. of."

Su Xin listened and felt very happy: "That's about the same." After a pause, "It would be better if you came earlier. He was still here just now. In the end, he walked on the front foot, and you came on the back foot." "

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm going to find him later, and I'm not in a hurry to meet him right away."

Su Xin and Tao Mingye thought that Su Yuxin would come to them as soon as she entered Tao's house, instead of going to Tao Mingqing first, and they both knew what was going on. This eldest niece is attracted to Tao Mingqing, but she probably doesn't like her yet.

ps: Babies, Shushu can’t hold on to such a high-intensity update. Ten chapters have been updated today, and starting from tomorrow, only four chapters will be updated every day. Thank you babies for supporting Shushu, and I hope you will Continue to support Shushu and love you all, okay?

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