Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2672 Return to Tianyun 238, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

So, she said to the three of them very fiercely: "No one is allowed to tell anyone about this matter. Anyone who dares to say it will have his head chopped off by this princess! You are not allowed to mention this matter in the future, not even in your own hearts." Mention it, I will chop off anyone’s head!”

The guards, maids, and Feng Tong were immediately frightened and knelt down, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, yes."

Tao Mingqing was also frightened. He remembered and knelt down to Su Yuxin, but before he got up, he saw Su Yuxin smiling at him and said: "I really want to save you, so don't be burdened, I won't let you "Responsible person, forget about this and pretend it never happened."

After a pause, Su Yuxin said with a smile: "Don't say no."

Tao Mingqing wanted to take responsibility, but as she was a princess, how could he dare to reach out to her? In addition, if this matter spread, it would damage Su Yuxin's reputation as a princess, so he naturally agreed quickly.

But: "The princess's great kindness in saving lives will be unforgettable by ordinary people."

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "I scared you and you fell into the pool. I should have saved you, otherwise you would have been killed by me."

"Princess is serious."

"Get up," Su Yuxin helped Tao Mingqing up. "My clothes are all wet. I'll go to my sister-in-law's place to change into another set. You can also go back to your yard to change into another set. I'll go to your yard to look for you later." You, I came here specially to congratulate you. Congratulations on passing the examination."

After saying that, seeing Tao Mingqing standing firm on his own, Su Yuxin ignored Tao Mingqing and turned around to go back to Su Xin's courtyard.

The guards and maids quickly followed.

Tao Mingqing watched Su Yuxin go away. After waiting for someone to calm down, he couldn't help but touch his lips. Then, with a somewhat lonely expression, he walked towards Su Xin's courtyard.

Seeing this, Feng Tong hurriedly said: "Master, Her Royal Highness the eldest princess wants you to go back and change clothes."

Tao Mingqing shook his head, said nothing, and continued walking towards Su Xin's courtyard.

Feng Tong could only keep up.

Tao Mingqing did not enter Su Xin's courtyard. As soon as he arrived at the door of Su Xin's courtyard, he stood there waiting. As for what he was thinking under his calm eyes, only he knew.

And in Su Xin’s house:

"Yuxin, what's wrong with you?" Su Xin was startled when she saw Su Yuxin walking in wet, and quickly stood up and asked.

Su Yuxin smiled and said: "It's okay, I just scared Xiao Qingqing, but he was too timid to scare me, so he fell into the pool because of my fright. Then I jumped in and fished him out. I can only come here to see if I have suitable clothes to change into."

Su Xin said: "I'm about the same height as you. You can wear mine. I just made two sets of new clothes a few days ago and haven't worn them yet. I'll give you one and you should quickly change into it. Hongye, go and get that purple one." Please put on the eldest princess quickly to avoid catching cold. Also, shoes and socks, go quickly.”

Hongye hurried away.

As soon as he got the clothes, he invited Su Yuxin to the inner room and asked Su Yuxin to change clothes.

As soon as Su Yuxin changed her clothes, shoes and socks, she briefly took care of her hair, then walked out, smiled at Su Xin and Tao Mingye and said, "Sister-in-law, don't tell me, your clothes are just right for me. I was wearing them just now. I took a look in the mirror and it looks pretty good.”

Su Xin smiled and said, "You are a bit narcissistic." After saying that, she held Su Yuxin's hand. Seeing that Su Yuxin's hand was warm, she smiled again and said, "Originally, I thought that if you got mad, If you get cold, I will send you back to the palace immediately to see the imperial doctor or your second uncle. Now that your hands are so warm, I am sure you won’t catch a cold, so I’m relieved.”

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