Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2675 Return to Tianyun 241, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

Su Yuxin nodded, but said nothing more.

When Su Xin and Tao Mingye left Tao Mingqing's courtyard, Su Yuxin still didn't want to leave.

Even though the sun went down and it was dark, Su Yuxin still refused to leave.

It wasn't until late at night that Su Yuxin felt completely relieved and left after seeing that Tao Mingqing's forehead was no longer hot.

Not long after Su Yuxin left, Tao Mingqing woke up and saw that the lights were on in the room and Fengtong was guarding the bed, which made him unable to react for a while and asked: "What's wrong with me?" ?”

His head still hurt a little and he felt a little dizzy, so he unconsciously touched his head.

Feng Tong said quickly: "Young master, you have forgotten. During the day, you were frightened by the eldest princess. She fell into the pool and developed a high fever. The fever only subsided not long ago, and the eldest princess also just left. By the way, that was The eldest princess gave the young master your gift, saying that the young master has passed the exam, and she promised to give the young master a gift. "

Tao Mingqing remembered it and looked towards the table in the direction of Fengtong's fingers. He saw several small boxes on the table, which should be gifts given to him by Su Yuxin.

"What are they?" he asked softly.

Feng Tong said: "I didn't dare to look."

Tao Mingqing then said: "Go get it, open it and let me see it."

"Yes, Master." Fengtong quickly took the small boxes and opened them one by one, revealing pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

The pen is a good pen, the ink is a good ink, the paper is a good paper, and the inkstone is even better than he has ever seen before.

After reading it, Tao Mingqing nodded and said, "Put it away for me."

"Yes, Master." Fengtong quickly collected the things again and put them in the cabinet where Tao Mingqing usually kept his precious things.

As soon as he put away the things, Feng Tong came over again and said to Tao Mingqing: "Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess said that she will come to see you again." After a pause, "Young Master, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess cares about you very much and has always been at your bedside. Stay until your fever subsides before she returns to the palace."

Tao Mingqing thought of Su Yuxin kissing him during the day, and couldn't help but look lonely.

Although he didn't understand why she had to go mouth to mouth to save him, since she said it was to save him, she must have done it to save him.

But when it didn't happen

To be honest, he really couldn't pretend it never happened. How could he pretend that nothing happened when his sweetheart kissed him?

He had liked her originally, but now it was better, he was completely in love with her.

But she doesn't want him to be responsible

It's because he doesn't deserve her.

Thinking of this, Tao Mingqing's eyes became even more lonely.

When Feng Tong saw it, she pursed her lips. After hesitating for a long time, she finally said boldly: "Master, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess has a particularly bad temper today. She cursed a lot, but I can hear the words Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess scolded. , In fact, I am concerned about the young master, and I am angry that the young master fell into a pool and fell ill. "

Tao Mingqing sighed: "My body is too weak."

Feng Tong immediately comforted him: "The young master has been poisoned for so many years, and his body is now in very good condition. Young master, you have never been poisoned, so you must be able to recover very well. Young master, you can ask the elder young master for prescriptions to regulate your body." If you take some medicine, you should feel better."

Tao Mingqing smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, he has a thousand-year-old ginseng that he is preparing. I heard that Prince Qing snatched it from the emperor and a prince. Even if I have the recipe, it is useless. I'd better learn a few tricks from the nursing school in the future. Just make your body a little better than it is now.”

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