Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2677 Return to Tianyun 243, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

Tao Mingqing really likes reading. Firstly, he really likes it, and secondly, he wants to gain the knowledge he wants through books so that he can get ahead.

As soon as he saw Su Yuxin coming, Tao Mingqing hurriedly came out of the study to greet him.

"The grassroots people have met Her Royal Highness the eldest princess."

Tao Mingqing wanted to kneel down and salute Su Yuxin, but Su Yuxin supported him and prevented him from kneeling down. Su Yuxin even naturally put her hand to his forehead to see if it was still hot.

Tao Mingqing froze.

Su Yuxin didn't care whether Tao Mingqing froze, but when she saw that Tao Mingqing's forehead was about the same temperature as hers, she took back her hand and said with a smile: "Fortunately, it's not hot anymore. I was a little worried when I went back last night, afraid of you. The heat is back again.”

Tao Mingqing was very frightened, but he quickly said: "Thanks to the princess."

Su Yuxin smiled and said: "What a blessing. If I hadn't scared you into falling into the pool, you wouldn't be like this at all. Stop asking for blessings and go in. It's so tiring to stand at the door and talk. Your body is not fully recovered yet." OK, get more rest."

"Yes." Tao Mingqing responded softly. It was not until Su Yuxin walked into the study first that he turned around and walked in again.

Su Yuxin sat down on a chair next to the coffee table. Tao Mingqing didn't dare to sit down, so he just stood respectfully.

Su Yuxin smiled and looked at the seat on the other side of the coffee table, motioning for Tao Mingqing to sit down.

"Thank you, Your Highness, Princess." Only then did Tao Mingqing dare to sit down.

When Tao Mingqing sat down, Fengtong had already brought two cups of tea to him. It wasn't until he saw Fengtong standing aside that Su Yuxin smiled again: "Don't worry, I won't scare you in the future. I am I was joking with you just to scare you, but who knew I would scare you so much that you fell into the pool and got sick? It was really my fault. "

"Don't dare." Tao Mingqing was even more frightened and almost remembered. "It's just the common people who are weak and don't care about the princess at all."

Su Yuxin suddenly said seriously: "Speaking of your physical weakness, you are really weak. Look at me jumping down. I'm a good person and nothing happened. But you are good. You had such a high fever yesterday. Fortunately, the heat has come down. If it had not come down, I would have lost a life."

Tao Mingqing hurriedly said: "It's really the common people who are weak. It's none of Her Royal Highness's business."

Su Yuxin smiled and said: "Whether it's none of my business or not, I know in my heart. There's no need for you to take all the responsibility on yourself in such a hurry." After a pause, she asked with concern: "What medicine will you drink today?" Already?"

Tao Mingqing said: "I drank it an hour ago."

"That's good. You recover from your illness as soon as possible. Then I will take you into the palace to look at the big study room in the palace. There are many books in there. I heard my sister-in-law said that you like reading, so you should like it."


"What, you don't want to?"

"No, it is." After he stopped talking for a while, Tao Mingqing finally finished his sentence, "Isn't it too arrogant?" He had not entered the palace yet, and even his father, Tao Shilang, seemed to have done it because of Cao's family. It happened once.

Su Yuxin laughed: "It's not like you went there rashly. I took you there. As my compensation for you this time, you must go. Otherwise, I would really feel a little sorry. You were fine." , it’s all my fault for scaring you into the pool.”

"I really don't blame her, Your Highness, the common people are really too weak." He really didn't blame her at all, and he didn't think she was to blame for this. "Also, it's also my fault that the grassroots people are too timid."

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