Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2686 Return to Tianyun 252

When Feng Feiyan saw Tao Mingqing, she felt that Tao Mingqing was very lovable, especially standing next to her daughter. She quite liked Tao Mingqing, a junior. One second., wonderful and free of pop-ups!

Feng Feiyan smiled and said, "The prince saw your answer sheet a few days ago, and he praised you for being unconventional. I admired it very much."

Tao Mingqing was even more frightened. Originally he was on pins and needles, there were all the big shots at the dinner table except him. Now he is even more on pins and needles.

Seeing Tao Mingqing's behavior, Su Yuxin smiled and said, "It's not good for my father to appreciate you. Okay, you really don't have to be so afraid. My father and my mother don't eat people either."

Feng Feiyan smiled and said, "Your uncle was also so cautious when he met us for the first time."

Tao Mingqing said: "How can ordinary people compare with the Prince Consort?"

Su Yijing said, "Your talent far exceeds his."

Tao Mingqing didn't expect that Su Yijing would praise him so much, and was even more frightened, but he still said quickly: "Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty, the common people are not worthy of it."

Su Yuxin smiled and said: "You can do it. My father has already spoken, so your talent must be unmatched by my younger uncle. But my younger uncle is quite good at business. There are so many cloth shops. It’s good to make money. When my sister-in-law gives birth to the child, my uncle, the emperor, will arrange some errands for him. He seems to be an official in charge of the merchants, right? "

Su Yijing said calmly: "It also depends on whether your uncle is willing."

Tao Mingqing didn't show much on the surface, but in his heart he really envied Tao Mingye. I feel that the talent of Tao Mingye, the eldest brother, can at least be put to use, and he doesn't know when he will be put to use, let alone when he will become famous.

As soon as he had lunch, Su Yijing went to deal with things. Although he has not yet inherited the throne of Xiyun, he has always been handling the affairs of King Xiyun. Fortunately, several younger brothers are helping, and the royal family also has to share some of the matters, so although he is not very busy , but not idle either.

Feng Feiyan, on the other hand, had nothing to do, so he left Su Yuxin and Tao Mingqing to talk.

It wasn't until Gong Le sent someone to invite Feng Feiyan to play cards in her courtyard that Feng Feiyan stopped chatting with Su Yuxin and Tao Mingqing.

Later, Tao Mingqing was taken to the study room by Su Yuxin.

Tao Mingqing stayed in the big study room for another hour before preparing to leave the palace and go home. If you don't leave the palace, it will be dark.

When sending Tao Mingqing to the carriage, Su Yuxin said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will often take you to the big study room to read in the future, but I can't do it every day, because I have to do other things, so I can't just take care of you." With you.”

Tao Mingqing immediately said respectfully: "Her Royal Highness's matters are important."

Two days later, July 28th, was the day of great joy for Meng Sixiu and Shi Zhenzhen.

Regardless of whether Su Yuxin likes Meng Sixiu or not, and regardless of whether Su Yuxin and Meng Sixiu have anything to do with each other, An Yiqing and the others are particularly concerned about Su Yuxin's mood on this day.

Even today, An Yiqing and the others did nothing but played with Su Yuxin. Su Yuxin could play as he wanted, but it made Su Yuxin unhappy. Very unhappy.

"Grandpa and grandma," Su Yuxin ran to Jing Jing and Su Changyi, "Third Uncle and the others are so annoying. I obviously don't like Meng Sixiu, so of course I don't care at all whether he gets married today, but look at Third Uncle and the others. Everyone still thinks that I have been abandoned by Meng Sixiu, tell me! It’s so annoying, and it makes me feel bad!”

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