Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2688 Return to Tianyun 254

The more he thought about Su Yu's sadness today, the more absent-minded Tao Mingqing became.

If it weren't for the huge disparity in status between the two, he would definitely visit Su Yuxin. But now, he can only worry at home.

As soon as Su Yuxin arrived at the door of Tao Mingqing's courtyard, because the courtyard door was not closed, she immediately saw Tao Mingqing softly practicing boxing in the courtyard, which looked very different, and she burst into laughter immediately.

"Hahahaha, what are you practicing? Even if you are practicing boxing, you should clench your fists more tightly and straighten your arms. The main thing is to make your fists stronger. You are so soft. If I were the master who taught you boxing, I would I almost dozed off, and I even want to beat you up."

"See Your Highness the Princess." Everyone in the courtyard, except Tao Mingqing, quickly knelt down to salute Su Yuxin.

Tao Mingqing didn't expect that Su Yuxin would appear when he was thinking about Su Yuxin. He was stunned for a moment, then quickly stopped punching, walked towards Su Yuxin, raised his hands and said: "Your Highness, why are you here today?" ”

"There is no one to play with me in the palace, so I came out to play with you. Who knew I would see you embroidering your fists and legs, hahahahaha." Su Yuxin couldn't bear the thought of Tao Mingqing's soft fisting look just now, as if he was about to fall asleep. Couldn't help it, he laughed again.

Tao Mingqing scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't notice that his limbs were uncoordinated before, but after he started practicing with the guards, he discovered that his limbs were very uncoordinated and he felt like he couldn't exert any strength.

The guard never said anything about him, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He just practiced like this. When she suddenly said that, he was really embarrassed.

"Why aren't you angry when I say that to you?" Su Yuxin asked, seeing that he was just embarrassed and didn't look angry at all.

Tao Mingqing said: "What Her Royal Highness the Princess said is the truth." Even if what Her Royal Highness the Princess said is not the truth, I will not be angry.

He didn't say the last sentence out loud, but kept it in his heart.

Su Yuxin smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you practice like this, it's still active. It's much better than sitting there and reading all the time."

Tao Mingqing said: "The common people think so too."

Su Yuxin continued: "However, I see that you are really not good at practicing martial arts. Let's just leave it at that. Just treat it as an activity. Don't think about how well you can practice. It's unrealistic. There are almost no perfect people. You Once you understand it, you won’t think anything of it. You see, your literary talent is very good, and my father said that few people can compare with you.”

Tao Mingqing said: "Your Highness the Princess is absolutely right. Your Majesty is ridiculously complimentary."

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "You are always so humble."

Tao Mingqing hesitated to speak. He really wanted to care about her and make her feel less uncomfortable, but he found that he was in no position to care about her.

Su Yuxin didn't notice anything wrong and entered the main room of Tao Mingqing's courtyard.

Tao Mingqing quickly followed.

After the two of them sat down and were served tea, Su Yuxin drank tea and said with a smile: "If I hadn't been tripped up by my third uncle and the others today, I originally planned to have someone take you. You went to the palace to read in the big study again. Just wait until tomorrow. I will take you to the palace to read again, and I will be fine tomorrow. "

After a pause, Su Yuxin added: "If it weren't for the fact that sometimes someone wants to go into the big study to check some information, and the books are complete, I can let you take the books back to read, and save you from having to go to the study all the time. ."...

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