Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2691 Return to Tianyun 257

Wang Wenya asked curiously: "Dad, who do you like? Do you want that person to be your grandson-in-law? It's not child's play for my parents-in-law to grant a marriage."

Wang Youbao smiled and said: "You will know later. When the time comes, you have to help dad talk to him and let the marriage be settled like this."

Wang Wenya smiled and said: "My daughter naturally believes in your vision, dad. Don't worry, dad, my daughter will help you later."

The two of them talked and laughed all the way until they arrived at the entrance of the palace.

Without going in directly, Wang Wenya first asked the eunuch chief guard outside the palace gate, "Your Majesty and Queen, are you up?"

The head eunuch said respectfully: "I got up early, and now I'm playing chess inside."

When Wang Wenya heard this, she helped Wang Youbao into the palace.

"Father, mother, my father is here to see you." As soon as Wang Wenya entered the royal palace, she said to Jing Jing and Su Changyi who were sitting on the kang under the window playing chess.

Wang Youbao said hello: "Master, Master, I have something to ask you."

After knowing each other for so many years, Wang Youbao really didn't dare not to kneel down at first because the difference in status was too great. But after so many years, Wang Youbao has become accustomed to it. Unless he has to kneel down to salute in formal occasions, he usually doesn't have to give quiet anymore. Salute to Su Changyi.

As soon as Jing Jing saw Wang Wenya and Wang Youbao come in, he stopped playing chess. Instead, he turned slightly sideways and smiled at Wang Youbao: "You are such a busy man, if you come to us to ask for help, how can we see you today? You Think about how long it has been since we last met, the emperor is not as busy as you."

The palace maid brought two chairs over, and Wang Wenya and Wang Youbao each sat on one.

Wang Youbao sat down and said with a smile: "How can I compare with the emperor? Fortunately, I have known you, master, for many years. Otherwise, I would have been frightened and fainted. I don't dare to compare myself with the emperor even if I have ten heads." "

Jing Jing smiled and said, "You are so busy every day. Originally, I thought that since you are so old, I might as well not let you be the prime minister. But Mu Chen and the others objected, saying that they could still use you for a few more years. Don’t blame me if you say I can’t do it without you. There are so many children in the royal family, and if they come to me and your master one by one to persuade us to give up this idea, it will only hurt you. "

Wang Youbao laughed: "I originally planned to be the prime minister until I am no longer qualified. Master, master, if you really let me do it, I should still blame you. Fortunately, you were persuaded."

Jing Jing shook his head and smiled: "Sure enough, different ambitions lead to different paths. Anyway, your master and I have no ambitions here, so we can leave it to you."

Wang Youbao said with a smile: "It's no wonder that Yijing and the others are so outstanding. They can do everything for you, master and master. Otherwise, how could I let you, master and master, be so leisurely?"

Jing Jing smiled and said, "That's right. Haha, who gave us more sons? If one son shares a little bit of responsibility, we won't have anything to do. You can't envy us that we have so much free time every day."

Wang Youbao said: "I'm not envious either. I just hope that master and master will grant Yan'er a marriage."

Jing Jing and Su Changyi looked at each other and then asked, "Marriage? What kind of marriage? Does Yan'er have a crush on someone?"

Wang Youbao said: "Yan'er has been staying at home all day. Who can she like? It's because I found a husband for her, and I think that man is very suitable for her."

Jing Jing disagreed and said: "You have known us for so many years, and so many of my sons are in free love. How come it doesn't affect you at all?"

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