Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2720 Return to Tianyun 286

Jing Jing and Su Changyi were stunned for a moment, and then they both laughed.

They thought it was a big deal because their granddaughter knew that they liked Tao Mingqing.

"You're still laughing?" Su Yuxin was immediately dissatisfied and even more aggrieved.

Jingjing quickly stopped laughing, "If you don't laugh, grandma won't laugh. It's just that you found out that you like him. Isn't it good? We have always said that you like him, but you don't know if you have to say it yourself." "

Su Yuxin told the truth: "I have fallen in love with a man. It's good, that's right. What if he doesn't like me?"

Jing Jing found it even more funny and wanted to say, 'Tao Mingqing must also like you, your sister-in-law and uncle have told us.' However, before she could say anything, her husband-in-law glanced at her and signaled her Don't say it directly.

So, she didn't say it directly, but asked: "Have you asked him? Otherwise, how do you know he doesn't like you?"

"Don't ask, am I scared? I don't think I'm afraid of anything, but I'm actually afraid of this." Su Yuxin pretended to cry twice.

Su Changyi could still bear it, but Anjing couldn't help it anymore and laughed again.

This time Su Yuxin didn't tell An Jing to stop laughing, and allowed An Jing to laugh.

Jing Jing finally stopped laughing, then touched Su Yuxin's head and said, "We Yuxin have really grown up and we all have a sweetheart. But if you don't ask him, it's not a problem to be worried here. It would be better if you ask him yourself. If he likes you too, wouldn't you all be happy? I think your parents also like him. If you can really make it happen, they will be happy. "

Su Yuxin snorted arrogantly: "Whether I like him or not, whether we can be with him or not, it's not just to make my parents happy."

An Jing is even more amused.

Su Changyi also found it funny.

Su Yuxin continued: "But grandma, you are right, I have to ask him, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable for me. I haven't felt this uncomfortable before. I really hate this feeling."

Jing Jing said: "It's almost dark today, so don't go there. Ask him again tomorrow, and ask him properly."


The next day, Su Yuxin came to Tao Mansion to find Tao Mingqing early in the morning.

Tao Mingqing had just finished washing up. When he saw Su Yuxin coming to see him so early, he was startled for a moment, and then asked with concern: "Is the princess ready for breakfast?"

Su Yuxin stared at him and shook her head with a smile.

Being stared at by Su Yuxin, Tao Mingqing was silent for a moment, and then said: "It just so happens that the common people haven't had breakfast yet. If you don't mind, Your Highness Princess, you can share it with the common people."


While eating breakfast at the same table, Su Yuxin continued to smile and stare at Tao Mingqing.

Tao Mingqing felt uncomfortable staring at him.

After being silent for a long time, Tao Mingqing put down his chopsticks and asked respectfully and gently: "Your Highness, do you have anything to say to the common people?"

Su Yuxin immediately smiled and said: "It's true, but I haven't thought about how to say it yet. I'll say it when I think about it."

Tao Ming was silent for a moment, then he could only pick up his chopsticks and continue eating breakfast.

After breakfast, as usual, Tao Mingqing began to practice boxing with the nursing school. Although the practice was still not decent, after practicing for several months, Tao Mingqing felt much more energetic.

It is precisely because of this that Tao Mingqing insists on continuing to practice every day because he feels that it is really useful for the body.

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