Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2734 Return to Tianyun 300

Tao Mingqing did not dare to leave, but looked at Jing Jing and Su Changyi.

Jing Jing smiled and said, "You are still very reserved. Okay, go back quickly."

Only then did Tao Mingqing dare to leave.

As soon as he got home, Tao Mingqing went to Aunt Fang's courtyard to find Aunt Fang.

Aunt Fang was sitting on the kang under the window making clothes for Tao Mingqing. She felt that her son's clothes were a bit old, and since she had plenty of money now, she had to make several new sets of clothes for her son.

"Mom!" Tao Mingqing ran in happily.

It was rare to see her son so happy, so Aunt Fang put down her needle and thread and said with a smile, "What's wrong with you? You're so happy."

Tao Mingqing just smiled and sat next to Aunt Fang, "I'm afraid I'll scare my mother if I tell her."

"It must be a good thing to see you so happy. Why did you scare my mother? You child, please speak quickly, my mother is very curious." Aunt Fang simply put all the needles and threads in her hands on the kang table and concentrated on asking Tao Mingqing about his son. talk.

Tao Mingqing felt embarrassed.

Aunt Fang saw that he was blushing, so she smiled and guessed: "Have you fallen in love with a girl? A few days ago, I heard that your father asked you to meet a girl. I have been busy making clothes for you these days. I forgot to ask you about it."

Tao Mingqing immediately said: "Mom, my eyesight is not very good now, why are you doing this kind of hard work? Just let the servants make the clothes. Don't you have a maid?"

Aunt Fang smiled and said: "I'm your mother, so of course I want to do it for you myself. Besides, I don't do it at night. It only bothers my eyes at night. It's broad daylight and I won't hurt my eyes when I do it. Don't worry, mother." You know how to take care of yourself, but I still hope that you will be successful and enjoy happiness with you in the future. Okay, don’t talk about me anymore, but tell me, what are you so happy about? "

Tao Mingqing was even more embarrassed, but he still nodded and replied in a low voice: "I have fallen in love with someone."

"Really?!" Aunt Fang was very happy. "Which girl have you fallen in love with? What's her appearance and character like?"

Tao Mingqing said: "You know that girl."

Aunt Fang has been in Tao Mansion all day and has never gone out. She doesn't know any daughters from good families. Apart from meeting Su Yuxin twice in her son's courtyard, she has never gone out.

Involuntarily, Aunt Fang was stunned.

"Mom?" Seeing that his mother was stunned, Tao Mingqing knew that his mother knew who it was, and became very worried. "Are you okay, mother?"

Aunt Fang immediately grabbed his hand tightly: "Is that girl the eldest princess?"

Although Tao Mingqing was a little embarrassed, he still nodded.

Aunt Fang immediately advised: "Qing'er, didn't you advise me not to have that kind of dream before? Why did you have it yourself? It's not good for you to fall in love with someone. Why did you fall in love with the eldest princess? She's not Princess, you are attracted to her, and your father can’t even propose marriage to you.”

Tao Mingqing quickly comforted him: "Mom, the eldest princess has also fallen in love with her son. The son and the eldest princess are in love. The son did not dare to have such a dream before, but it is indeed true. I will wait for the king's imperial edict on marriage. Here I am, I rushed back to say hello to my mother, because I was afraid that you would be frightened."

"Really? You didn't trick me?" Aunt Fang couldn't believe it at all.

Tao Mingqing smiled and said, "Mom, how could I lie to you about such a big thing?"

Aunt Fang immediately hugged Tao Mingqing's son and cried loudly: "Son, what kind of virtue have you accumulated in your previous life? You can actually marry a princess in this life."


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