Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2747 Return to Tianyun 313

Tao Mingqing smiled and said: "She has that kind of personality, but if she loses her temper, she can be very aggressive, but she rarely loses her temper."

Aunt Fang smiled and said: "Mom can see that the eldest princess really likes you. It's because of your influence that the eldest princess always gives me things. Mom is also really happy for you. You can marry someone you like and love." I like you girl.”

Tao Mingqing smiled and asked, "Don't you like my father?"

Aunt Fang smiled and said, "There's nothing she likes or dislikes, just living a good life. My mother's family was really poor in the past. Although Mrs. Cao was a bad person, when she asked me to be your father's concubine, my aunt's monthly salary was higher than that of a maid. Higher, I wanted to help the family, so I agreed to be your father’s concubine.”

As she said that, she touched Tao Mingqing's head kindly: "Thankfully I agreed, otherwise I wouldn't have had such a good son like you."

Tao Mingqing said sincerely: "Mom, I will never let you suffer in the future."

Aunt Fang nodded with special joy: "Mom knows. But now that Mom is no longer suffering, once the Cao family is gone, life for Mom and your other two aunts will be much easier. And now it's getting better. Now Mom You and your other two aunts were often invited out by those official wives to have tea and talk. In the past, how could I have dared to think about this? "

As she said that, Aunt Fang held Tao Mingqing's hand: "Son, no matter whether the eldest princess is a princess or not, because of her feelings for you, when she gets married, you must treat her sincerely."

Tao Mingqing nodded: "My son knows." That was his sweetheart, how could he not treat her sincerely?

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, early in the morning, Su Xin had labor pains and was about to give birth. Everyone in Tao's house immediately became busy.

Since Tao Mingye was with Su Xin and couldn't take care of things anymore, Tao Mingqing and Tao Mingsheng helped take care of it.

Tao Mingqing said to one of Su Xin's guards: "Go to the palace and tell the king and queen that Princess Jiu'an is going to give birth."

The guard immediately took the order and went.

In the palace, everyone was gathering together to talk and laugh. When they heard that Su Xin was about to give birth, they all came to Tao Mansion together.

When Jingjing and the others arrived, Su Xin had already given birth to a boy. The birth process went smoothly, Su Xin was safe, and the baby was healthy.

It was not easy for men to go in, so An Jing, Ye Zhi and other women went in to visit Su Xin, but Tao Mingye still took the child out and showed it to Su Changyi, Gong Juechen and other elders.

When Su Yuxin went in to see Su Xin, she passed by Tao Mingqing and pinched Tao Mingqing's face secretly when no one was paying attention. Tao Mingqing was instantly startled and blushed.

Seeing Tao Mingqing's reaction, Su Yuxin was so happy. She didn't say anything to Tao Mingqing, but jumped into Su Xin's room to see Su Xin in a very good mood.

Tao Mingqing saw that Su Yuxin was so happy. Even though he was still blushing, the corners of his mouth could not help but turn up.

When Su Xin saw An Jing and the others coming in, she smiled with tears in her eyes and said, "Mom, have you seen the child?"

Seeing tears in her little daughter's eyes, Jing Jing remembered the child that her little daughter had aborted. She couldn't help but feel sour in her heart, but she still nodded and said with a smile: "Look, the child is very good, he looks very similar." Mingye, only my nose looks like you."

Su Xin smiled and said: "He is a boy, he should be like my husband."

An Anjing sat by the bed, held one of Su Xin's hands, and said, "The child is very healthy."

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