Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2758 Return to Tianyun 324

When Su Xie saw Su Yuxin and Tao Mingqing sitting at the table eating, he opened his mouth and smiled and said: "Sister, I dare you and your brother-in-law to eat together, but you don't care about us guests outside. ”

Su Su also smiled: "Last time Yan'er got married, Tao Mingsheng was fooled by us. Even if you get married today, you can't be too partial to your brother-in-law, otherwise it will be too rude. My brother-in-law is a scholar, so he doesn't know how to do it. You don’t even know how to treat guests, right? It’s a pity that we sent you all the way to your brother-in-law’s house, but your brother-in-law doesn’t even want to drink a glass of wine with us.”

Tao Mingqing immediately stood up in fear. These people were all more noble than him, and he couldn't afford to offend any of them.

Su Yuxin was still sitting there, but smiled and said to Su Xie and Su Su: "You are worthy of being born from the same child. Don't you just want your brother-in-law to go out for a drink? I am happy today. Come on, get him out quickly."

Before Su Xie and Su Su could speak, Gong Le and An Yiqing's naughty daughter Su Min laughed and said, "Sister, she is so unusual today. She is so talkative. I guess she must be given to my brother-in-law." Knowing Jiuwan, that’s why we let our brother-in-law go out.”

Originally, Su Min should take An Yiqing's surname as An, but An Yiqing thought it would be better for her daughter to take Su Changyi's surname. She didn't want to have two surnames in the royal family, which would be too confusing. And Jing Jing had no objection and was very much in favor, so, Su Min’s surname was Su.

As for An Yiyun, An Yiqi, An Yilin, and An Yizhi's children, they are all named Su, just like An Yiqing's children.

In other words, both the royal family and the royal family have the same surname "Su", and Su is the real surname of Tianyun country.

After all, she is not an empress, just a queen, and there are more and more members in the family. It would be really confusing if she has two surnames, so An Jing is so in favor of it.

Su Changyi didn't agree with it at first. He wanted all his children to have the surname An Jing. However, considering that sharing the same surname as the royal family would help stabilize Tianyun, he agreed to An Jing's and let An Yiqing and his children all have the surname Su.

Even now, few people know that An Yiqing, An Yilin, An Yiqi'an and Zhi's surname is An. Everyone thinks that An Yiqing and others are also surnamed Su, but in the genealogy, An Yiqing and others are still surnamed An. No change to sue.

It started to change with Su Yuxin's generation. There is no one named An in the family anymore.

Seeing that Su Min had guessed it, Su Yuxin admitted it openly: "So what if I just gave your brother-in-law anti-alcohol pills? Who made you want to get him drunk?"

Su Xie smiled very evilly and said: "It's not very good, but even if he takes anti-alcohol pills, he has to go out with us and can't accompany you. Haha, okay, everyone, don't stay here, leave me alone." Just stay alone, we just want to take my brother-in-law away anyway."

"Yes, yes." Others agreed, while pushing Tao Mingqing out with a smile.

Tao Mingqing still couldn't help but look back at Su Yuxin.

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "Just go with them. The medicine is really effective. They can't get you drunk."

Tao Mingqing said heartily: I'm not worried about whether they will get me drunk or not. I'm worried about you being alone in the room.

So, after leaving the room, Tao Mingqing asked Su Yuxin's maid Xiaodie to go in and accompany Su Yuxin.

However, Su Yuxin did not let Xiaodie accompany her. Instead, after filling her stomach, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Although she didn't actually do anything today, being a bride was really tiring, so she got up early in the morning.

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