Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2761 Return to Tianyun 327

As soon as she gave the gift, Su Yuxin hugged Su Xin's arm and said with a smile: "Aunt, do you think I should still call you aunt or sister-in-law in the future?"

Su Xin smiled and said: "Anyway, the generations are all messed up, just call me dad whatever comes to your mind."

Then, Su Xin smiled at Tao Mingqing: "Mingqing, don't change your words, just call me sister-in-law, I am your sister-in-law anyway, so it's right to call me that."

Tao Mingye smiled gently: "Yes, anyway, it's all messed up, just call me what you did before, and don't change it just because you get married, just like Xin "It's right for you to call me the same as before." Tao Mingqing smiled and replied, "Then I will call you the same as before." Su Yuxin said with a smile, "Little husband, I feel that marrying you has lowered your generation." Tao Mingqing shook his head immediately. Before he could speak, Su Xin joked, "Oh, you don't call me husband, but little husband. It's special." Su Yuxin was still happy, "Aunt, you are jealous. Anyway, you can't call me like this. Who makes little uncle older than you? You are embarrassed to call me." Su Xin could only laugh and shake her head helplessly. After everyone had breakfast happily, Su Yuxin and Tao Mingqing returned to the courtyard where they lived. As soon as they returned to the room, Su Yuxin hugged Tao Mingqing, raised her little face, and said happily, "Little husband, let's go kowtow to your mother." Tao Mingqing's eyes turned red instantly. Su Yuxin saw it and immediately became anxious, and hurriedly coaxed: "What's wrong? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? I don't think I said anything. Don't cry, don't, I will be heartbroken." Tao Mingqing smiled and shook his head. After a long while, he was able to speak, but he was a little choked up: "Others say that you are always laughing and not careful at all, but I know that you are the most careful." Just now, he served tea to his parents-in-law. Because his mother was just a concubine, not to mention her, the princess, even he, the son, could not kowtow to her mother, and his mother didn't want him to kowtow, saying it was unreasonable. Before, he couldn't call his mother mother, but now that his father didn't have a legal wife, he didn't have a legal mother. Even if his mother was a concubine, he could call his mother mother. But despite this, he still couldn't kowtow to his mother. And he had always wanted to kowtow to his mother. His mother not only gave birth to him, but also took good care of him and suffered so much for him. He really wanted to kowtow to his mother.

When he offered tea to his mother just now, he wanted to do it even more. He was already married, and that was the tea offered to her by his wife.

But the occasion was so formal, if he kowtowed, his father would definitely think that he didn't know the rules, and would even ignore his mother.

Originally, his father didn't often go to his mother's residence. Even if his mother didn't like or dislike his father, his father was his mother's husband, and his mother actually hoped that his father could go to her courtyard more often.

"Little husband, don't cry, okay?" Seeing that his voice was choked with sobs, Su Yuxin felt even more distressed and coaxed him more anxiously.

Tao Mingqing smiled and shook his head: "I didn't cry, I was just very moved."

Su Yuxin breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "What's so touching about this, she is your mother, we should kowtow to her. I wanted to kowtow when I offered tea just now, but I saw that you didn't kneel down, so it was not easy to kneel down."

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