Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2772 Return to Tianyun 338

She was so sweet, Tao Mingqing couldn't help but bend down and kiss her again, then said: "Don't wait in the future, you know, I just followed my father-in-law for a short time, there are many things I don't know, it will take time to learn."

"I know, so I didn't ask you to come back early, but you really have to take care of your body, don't work so hard, you are still young, there are still many days to come, don't rush for success."

Tao Mingqing nodded: "I understand, don't worry."

"Yeah," Su Yuxin kissed Tao Mingqing again, then smiled and said: "You must be hungry, I asked the cook to make your favorite dishes, you have to eat more."

As he said, he asked someone to bring the still hot food.

Tao Mingqing frowned as he sat down at the table with Su Yuxin, "Don't tell me you're waiting for me to come back hungry again."

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "How dare I do that now? You scolded me severely last time and ignored me all night. I won't let myself go hungry now. I'm just accompanying you to eat. I've actually eaten an hour ago."

Tao Mingqing stopped frowning and smiled gently, "Then you can have more."

"Yeah yeah"

Tao Mingqing first scooped a bowl of beef soup for Su Yuxin, and then picked up some vegetables for Su Yuxin before he started eating.

At this moment, Su Yuxin had already piled his bowl with vegetables very high.

Tao Mingqing looked at his bowl full of food like a small mountain, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How can you let me eat this?"

Su Yuxin smiled as he drank the beef soup, "Eat slowly, you won't fall down."

Tao Mingqing shook his head helplessly, but the smile at the corner of his mouth revealed that he was actually very sweet now.

After dinner, Tao Mingqing took a shower, and then went to bed.

Su Yuxin was already in bed, but she hadn't fallen asleep yet. When she saw him getting dressed, she immediately got into his arms as before.

Tao Mingqing subconsciously hugged her back, lowered his head, and kissed Su Yuxin. Su Yuxin kissed him back, and he kissed Su Yuxin again. Su Yuxin kissed him again, and they repeated this several times. Naturally, the two of them loved each other.

The next day, Tao Mingqing woke up before dawn. He got up lightly to avoid waking up Su Yuxin who was still sleeping, but he still woke Su Yuxin up.

Su Yuxin woke up in a daze, and said in a daze, "My little husband, you have to get up so early again." Then she fell asleep again.

Tao Mingqing lowered his head and kissed Su Yuxin on the forehead, then he went to the outer room to take care of himself, went out, and entered the palace.

When Tao Mingqing arrived at the palace, it was already very bright, and Su Yijing and his friends were having breakfast.

Feng Feiyan greeted him warmly when she saw him: "You kid, I asked you to live in the palace first, so that you don't have to get up early and run back and forth. You didn't listen, come on, have breakfast, you must be hungry, right?"

Tao Mingqing sat down and said with a smile: "My parents are still alive, so I can't live in the palace for a long time, it's better to run back and forth."

Feng Feiyan also knew this, so she didn't say anything, but enthusiastically asked Tao Mingqing, the son-in-law, to have breakfast quickly.

Su Yijing was getting more and more satisfied with Tao Mingqing, the son-in-law.

These days, Tao Mingqing had breakfast with Su Yijing and his friends, so he didn't feel too restrained, and had breakfast with Su Yijing and his friends as usual.

After breakfast, he followed Su Yijing to continue learning things, and he followed his father-in-law Su Yijing almost wherever he went. If you want to chat about Nongmen Chang'an with more like-minded people, follow "hotnet or rdww444" on WeChat to chat about your favorite books with more book friends

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