Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2810 Tianyun Changan 24, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

As he said that, Su Yu smiled and looked at the two little boys who looked exactly the same and were very good-looking: "You are Wenwen and Wuwu, right? I am your little aunt."

Wenwen and Wuwu immediately said in a sweet voice: "Hello, little aunt."

"Okay, okay," she didn't expect the two little ones to greet her in such a sensible way. Su Yuxin smiled broadly, "These two children are really sensible. My little husband-in-law told me before. I didn't believe it. They were only three years old. How can my child be so sensible? It seems like you have taught me well, Fourth Sister."

Xiao Ying'er cutely inserted herself between her mother and her two little brothers. She cutely blinked her little eyes and looked at the two little brothers who were taller than her. She giggled and shouted, "Brother, it's really cool." It’s my little brother.”

Tao Mingqing immediately bent down, looked level with his precious daughter, and said with a smile: "Daddy didn't lie to you, right? They are two little brothers, right?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoying'er nodded her head immediately. "They are exactly the same little brother."

Xiao Ying'er is so cute, Wenwen and Wuwu both like her very much. They are both children, and the three of them got to know each other in no time, without the help of adults at all.

The adults looked at the three children and laughed and talked.

Su Yuxin smiled and said: "Fourth sister, look how happy Xiaoying'er is when Wenwen and Wuwu come. She has always wanted a little brother, and now I gave her two. She was so anxious just now. is coming."

Tao Mingxiang smiled and said: "Wenwen and Wuwu are also very happy. The three children played really well."

They can't get in on the children's innocence, but they feel very happy just watching.

Tao Mingqing smiled and said: "So, fourth sister, you can stay here with peace of mind. This house will be more lively in the future. Xin'er likes liveliness the most, and Xiao Ying'er likes liveliness even more. She won't be happy if you are quiet. They would clamor to go to the palace to play, saying that there were many people in the palace and it was fun. "

Tao Mingxiang said gratefully: "It's just too troublesome for you."

Su Yuxin smiled and said, "What's the trouble? We're all one family. By the way, fourth sister, Wenwen and Wuwu are just nicknames, right? What are their real names?"

Tao Mingxiang smiled and said: "My husband-in-law can't read a word, so I gave him the name. The older one is called Qiao Chenwen, and the younger one is called Qiao Chenwu."

Su Yuxin immediately asked out of curiosity: "Which one of them is bigger? They look alike. I can't tell them apart anyway."

Tao Mingxiang pointed to the older one, "He is Wenwen. Princess, look, he has no earlobes." Then he pointed to the younger one, "He is Wuwu, and he has earlobes. Princess, you can tell which of them is which by this." Which one is the younger brother?"

Su Yuxin said in surprise: "Oh, really! Haha, I will rely on this to identify them from now on. They look so much alike, they are all printed from the same mold. You are also very good at giving birth. Now I will recognize them." Two babies were born. If I had two babies at once, I would be so happy."

Tao Mingxiang smiled and said: "The princess can have another child."

Su Yuxin immediately shook her head and said: "I don't want it anymore, it hurts too much. I told my little husband-in-law that I would give birth to a baby like Xiao Ying'er, but I didn't tell my mother that you would be with my little husband-in-law in the future. Be careful in front of me, don't let us know."

Tao Mingxiang nodded immediately: "I won't let it slip. Giving birth is really painful. When I gave birth to these two, I was in so much pain that I was dying."

"Me too!" Su Yuxin immediately held Tao Mingxiang's hand, as if she felt the same.

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