Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2832 Tianyun Changan 46

Sure enough, there is no better son than a father.

Su Xie immediately laughed, thinking his father was quite cute sometimes.

Quietly they also laughed.

Su Xie knelt for a while before getting up. He didn't need anyone to tell him, so he got up by himself.

Just like Su Yixing said, he knelt down and knelt for such a long time because he really wanted to torture himself.

Just thinking about his two sons suffering so much at such a young age made him feel heartbroken.

Who in this family is not like a treasure? Although he is always beaten by his father, he is still a baby at home. Even though his father always scolds him and beats him, he still loves him very much.

But what about his two sons?

When he takes the child back, not only will he be kind to the child, he believes that his relatives will also be kind to the two children, so that the two children will become like everyone in the family, they are also treasures.

As night fell, Tao Mingxiang was really packing her things, but instead of packing her things to leave with Su Xie tomorrow, she was planning to pack her things and leave tonight with her two children.

But the two children thought she was leaving with Su Xie tomorrow, so they both said happily: "Mom, when will dad pick us up tomorrow?"

Tao Mingxiang said calmly: "Don't worry about when he will come to pick you up. Just stand still and I'll put on another piece of clothing for you, lest it gets deeper and colder and freezes you."

"Huh?" Both children were very puzzled, "Aren't you about to go to bed? Why do you need to put on more clothes?"

Tao Mingxiang first made a shushing gesture, and then whispered: "Keep your voices down, my mother will take you out of my uncle's house later."

"What are you doing to leave your uncle's house?" Wenwen was puzzled.

But Wu Wu jumped up and down excitedly: "Are you going home with dad tonight?"

Tao Mingxiang said: "No, it's mother who wants to take you away. You two can't go home with your father tomorrow."

Wenwen and Wuwu immediately became unhappy: "Why?"

Tao Mingxiang sighed first, and then said angrily: "You don't understand now, you will understand when you grow up, but mother can tell you that if you go home with your father, you can't be with mother. , I’m with your dad, so are you still willing to go home with your dad? If you want, then mom will go alone tonight.”

Compared with the father who appeared suddenly, the two children certainly have the deepest relationship with their mother. Upon hearing Tao Mingxiang's words, the two children immediately said: "We want to be with our mother!"

Immediately, the two children became confused again: "Mom, why can't we be with dad when you are together? Obviously we just had a dad, and neither Wenwen nor Wu Wu want to lose him again."

Tao Mingxiang still patiently whispered: "Didn't I tell you? You don't understand it now, but you will know it when you grow up. If you want to be with mother, just be obedient and follow her."

Wenwen and Wuwu immediately said: "Then let's obey!"

"What a good son." Tao Mingxiang smiled with special joy and hugged her two sons respectively before continuing to pack things.

She had already thought about waiting until Su Yuxin and the others fell asleep before leaving.

When it got late at night, when Su Yuxin and the others were supposed to be sleeping, Tao Mingxiang, carrying her baggage and holding a child in one hand, quietly left the west courtyard and walked toward the back door of the princess's mansion.

Fortunately, the moon is bright enough today to see.

As soon as he arrived at the back door of the princess mansion, Tao Mingxiang let go of the two children's hands and opened the door.

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