Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2841 Tianyun Changan 55

Seeing the two children so happy, Tao Mingxiang was relieved. After dinner, Tao Mingxiang gave the two children a bath, and the two children fell asleep. Tao Mingxiang went to the next room only after the two children fell asleep. As soon as Tao Mingxiang entered the room where she was living, Su Xie came in with a rosewood box. As soon as Su Xie came in, he put the wooden box on the table, and then he sat down, not in a hurry to open the wooden box, but said: "You sit down too, I have something to tell you." Tao Mingxiang came over and sat quite far away from Su Xie. Su Xie didn't care, but opened the wooden box and said, "These are the gifts from the family to Wenwen and Wuwu today." Tao Mingxiang looked at the wooden box full of red envelopes and said, "There are so many people in this family. Su Xie continued, "These are for the children, you keep them." Before Tao Mingxiang could speak, Su Xie took out a red envelope and gave it to Tao Mingxiang, "Remember, this is from my grandfather." Then, he took out another red envelope from the wooden box and gave it to Tao Mingxiang, "This is from my grandmother." "This is from my father." "This is from my mother." When Tao Mingxiang had a pile of red envelopes in front of her, and Su Xie had no more red envelopes in the wooden box, he asked Tao Mingxiang, "Do you remember?" Tao Mingxiang shook her head. How could she remember so many? Su Xie then took out a list and handed it to Tao Mingxiang: "I asked Xiang Feng to sort it out. You can tell how much they gave by looking at the list. Although you don't have to return the gift, you should have an idea in your mind, so as not to disappoint their kindness to our children."

Tao Mingxiang: "You have the list, and you give it to me one by one so that I can remember it?"

Su Xie said: "I have nothing to do anyway."

Tao Mingxiang: ""

"Okay," Su Xie held back his smile, pretending not to see Tao Mingxiang's ugly face, and stood up very happily, "It's late at night, you should go to bed early."

As he said, he walked out.

Tao Mingxiang was extremely speechless, but she still put the red envelope in front of her back into the wooden box, and after looking at the gift list, she put the gift list into the wooden box, and waited until the wooden box was closed before she put the wooden box away.

This is given to the children by their elders. She will keep it for the children, but she will not spend a penny.

However, the royal family is worthy of being the royal family. With so many gifts, her two children should have no worries about food and clothing for several lifetimes.

Just after Tao Mingxiang put away the wooden box, Su Xie came in again, without making any sound, which scared Tao Mingxiang.

Su Xie just smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you, my parents said that you taught the children well."

Then he slipped away.

Seeing Su Xie turned around and ran away, and ran very fast, it was obvious that he was teasing her. Tao Mingxiang was not smiling or laughing.

The next day, Tao Mingxiang got up and opened the door, and saw Su Xie leaning against her door with his arms folded. His posture was as evil as it could be, and as lazy as it could be.

However, Tao Mingxiang didn't expect to see Su Xie as soon as she opened the door. She was stunned at first, and then asked calmly: "Is there anything?"

Su Xie smiled and said: "I forgot to tell you last night that my parents and grandparents are coming to stay with us for a while today. Come with me to the door to pick them up."


When Tao Mingxiang heard these three words, she pursed her lips slightly, feeling very complicated.

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