Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2875 Tianyun Changan 89

While Su Xie picked up his two sons who were now dirty, he smiled at Tao Mingxiang and said, "If I didn't do this, would you take the initiative to take care of me?"

Tao Mingxiang only felt a little hot on her face. This person really deserves to be in the flowers all year round. Any words he says can be sweet words.

Wu Wu didn't want Su Xie to hug him, but asked Su Xie to carry him on his back. Su Xie squatted down and let Wu Wu climb on his back. Then he picked up Wenwen and stood up.

Seeing that Tao Mingxiang's face was slightly red, like a flower in bud, Su Xie had the idea of ​​teasing her, so she stretched out her muddy hand and touched Tao Mingxiang's face.

Tao Mingxiang was startled by the touch. As she hurriedly moved further away from Su Xie, her face became even redder. My heart was beating wildly.

This man! Really!

Tao Mingxiang glared at Su Xie angrily.

The focus of Wenwen and Wuwu was not whether Tao Mingxiang was blushing or not, but that they both pointed at Tao Mingxiang's face with their little fingers and giggled: "My mother's face is also dirty. It's fun."

Only then did Tao Mingxiang realize that half of her face had been touched with mud. When she was about to wipe it off with a handkerchief, Su Xie said to her with a playful smile: "It's rare for the children to be so happy. Come over and let the children wipe it off too."

Tao Mingxiang immediately glared at Su Xie again.

But the two children were very happy: "I have to wipe it! I have to wipe my mother's face! My mother must be as dirty as us to be like a family!"

Tao Mingxiang originally didn't want to let the two children wipe it, but the children's last words made her unable to refuse, so she could only walk over and let the two children wipe her face with their little hands.

When Su Xie saw that the two children had wiped it off, they were just as happy as the two children. He also said, "Does your mother look like a little cat?"

Tao Mingxiang: ""Can she curse?

But the two children corrected her very seriously: "It's not like a little cat. If Xiao Ying'er looks like this, she'll be called a little cat. If Mom looks like this, she should be called a big cat."

"Haha, big tabby cat" Su Xie said without caring at all.

Tao Ming wiped all the mud that he had just wiped off his face onto Su Xie's face.

Su Xie didn't expect that Tao Mingxiang would wipe him. He was stunned for a moment, and then laughed without being angry at all.

Tao Mingxiang smiled and felt her face and ears warm inexplicably.

The two children also joined in the fun: "Dad has become a tabby cat, hahaha."

Tao Mingxiang even felt that her face was hot and her ears were hot.

Su Xie became shameless and said with a smile: "Yes, dad has also become a tabby cat, so that others will know that dad and mom are a couple, right?"

Tao Mingxiang: ""Can you be more shameless!

The two children were really led to the rhythm, and they focused on their little heads: "Yes! You will know it at a glance! It's good."

The two children were really happy.

Tao Mingxiang was not happy at all.

At night, after Tao Mingxiang put the two children to sleep, she went to her room to take a bath. As soon as the bath was finished, she planned to go to bed, but before she even got to bed, she heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" she asked.

"Me." Su Xie replied.

Tao Mingxiang didn't open the door, but asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'll tell you when you open the door." Su Xie laughed shamelessly outside.

Tao Mingxiang was speechless to the extreme, but still said: "Wait a moment."

"Why do you have to wait?" Su Xie actually guessed why he was asked to wait, but he just wanted to ask this deliberately to tease Tao Mingxiang. He didn't think so before, but now he feels that the more he teases Tao Mingxiang, the more interesting he becomes, and he doesn't feel bored at all.

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