Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2882 Tianyun Changan 96

Tao Mingxiang then lay back on the bed, holding the quilt tightly with both hands, and her heart was beating wildly uncontrollably.

She heard it right.

He means he wants her to like him.

But why does he want her to like him? Is it because of the two children again?

Just as Tao Mingxiang was thinking this, Su Xie spoke again: "Do you know why I hope you like me?"

Without waiting for her to speak, he said again: "Because, I kind of like you."

As he spoke, his expression became solemn, and so did his tone: "Tao Mingxiang, I have been trying to like you for a long time, and now, I already like you a little bit. Although it is not deep enough, I think I will slowly Deeper, so I hope you like me."

In the darkness, Tao Mingxiang couldn't believe her ears. He actually said he liked her a little bit.

Su Xie continued: "Whether it's for Wenwen or Wuwu, please give me a chance, and please try to like me. Obviously we will have better results, why don't you try hard and see? You say so Bar?"

Tao Mingxiang didn't know how to answer this question.

Su Xie didn't insist on her answer, but added: "What's on my mind is that I want you to try to like me. I've told you this. Think about it carefully. I guess when I learn from you I should be able to sleep when I go back."

"But you," he said, smiling evilly, "maybe you won't be able to sleep."

"You!" Unexpectedly, his tone suddenly changed, making her neither angry nor laughing.

"I'm leaving. You don't have to get up and close the door. I can tie it up for you outside." Su Xie patted the quilt lightly before getting up and leaving with a smile.

"You are a thief, you know how to do this." Tao Mingxiang muttered softly.

When Su Xie heard this, the smile on his face became even bigger: "Aren't you a thief? It's a pity that you didn't steal your heart, and you didn't steal your heart."

As soon as these words came out, Tao Mingxiang blushed.

Tao Mingxiang also covered her mouth tightly to stop herself from mumbling, lest Su Xie say anything else that would make her blush even more.

This man really had no inhibitions when speaking and dared to say anything. Anyway, among the people she knew, she felt that he was the most shameless.

It wasn't until he heard that the door seemed to have been bolted from the outside that Tao Mingxiang removed his hand from her mouth and stopped covering her mouth.

After staring at the dark top of the bed for a long time, Tao Mingxiang sighed and said almost inaudibly: "No need to try, I already like you."

She would never forget that day when she took her maid to the street to buy things, but she saw him sitting in high spirits on the second floor window of a restaurant, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, drinking wine casually and loudly while following Friends in the restaurant were joking.

That kind of bohemian but not annoying look immediately caught her attention.

She fell in love with him on that day, at that first glance.

At that time, she only knew his appearance, not who he was, but due to the differences between men and women, she also knew the etiquette and could not ask who he was.

It wasn't until she saw him again on the day of her third brother and third sister-in-law's wedding that she knew he was Su Xie, the young prince.

The status gap was too great. Even if she liked him, she never thought of being with him. She just kept her daughter's thoughts in her heart.

Unexpectedly, he got drunk that night and somehow got into her room, thinking she was someone else and slept with her.

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