Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2902 Tianyun Changan 116

When the guard at the gate saw Tao Mingxiang carrying something out alone, he hurried forward and said, "Princess, where are you going?"

Tao Mingxiang smiled and said, "My mother likes the snacks in this mansion very much. I asked the maid to make two and send them to her."

The guard said, "Then why didn't the princess bring someone to help you carry the things? Also, princess, don't you take a carriage? Minister Tao's mansion is far away from the palace."

Tao Mingxiang smiled and said, "This thing is not heavy. I can carry it by myself. I don't need someone to accompany me. I originally planned to take a carriage, but I want to walk around the street and buy something for my mother."

The guard had nothing to ask.

Tao Mingxiang looked calm, but he was relieved in his heart. Until he left the sight of the guard at the gate of the palace, Tao Mingxiang did not go to Tao's mansion, but walked quickly in the direction of leaving the city.

As soon as he left the city, Tao Mingxiang took the bundle out of the food box, threw away the food box, and hurried on with the bundle on his back.

Just then she saw a carriage going to the city she wanted to go to, so she spent money and took the carriage.

The two children were too young to remember where they had lived before, so Tao Mingxiang had made up her mind that it would be better for her to return to the village where she had lived with her children. At least she was more familiar with it, and she would spend the rest of her life in that village.

Su Xie liked the feeling of sleeping until he woke up naturally, but when he woke up, it was noon.

While helping him wash up, Zou Xiangfeng reported to him, "The princess went to Tao's house. I heard that the princess's mother liked the cakes in this house very much. She saw that she had nothing to do today, so she asked the kitchen to make two dishes and send them to her."

Su Xie nodded, "Let her go, it's better to go out more, so that she won't feel bored."

Su Xie laughed, "Do you think I got up too late?"

Zou Xiangfeng didn't dare to answer.

Su Xie saw it, and laughed, "It seems that I really got up too late, but it feels so good to sleep until I wake up naturally, but it will waste time. If I had gotten up earlier, I might have gone to Tao Mansion with her." Zou Xiangfeng said, "Your Highness can go now." Su Xie smiled and said, "Forget it. Her mother was very reserved when she saw me. Although she didn't blame me for anything when she saw her mother like this, the atmosphere changed. Let them talk freely, and I won't join in the fun." Zou Xiangfeng hesitated for a moment, but still said boldly, "Your Highness has never paid so much attention to anyone's mood." Su Xie didn't hide it, and smiled evilly, "You follow me every day, can you only see it now? I have nothing to hide from you. You are my right-hand man. I will tell you honestly that I like my wife." Zou Xiangfeng was silent for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and still couldn't help saying, "The princess has never thought that she is your wife." Su Xie sighed helplessly and said, "I don't know when she will agree to marry me. But she already likes me a little bit. If she likes me a little more, she should agree. Don't you think so?" Zou Xiangfeng said, "I don't know." Su Xie was not annoyed, and asked him with a smile, "Then what do you know?" Zou Xiangfeng said, "I know that the little prince is trapped." After a pause, he added, "I will not be fickle again." "Go to hell," Su Xie kicked him, but his face was full of smiles. "Don't let me teach you a lesson, and you open a dyeing workshop for me. Don't you see who is the master between you and me?"

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