Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2916 Tianyun Changan 130

Seeing Tao Mingxiang boiling water, Su Xie got up, went to Tao Mingxiang's room, unpacked his bags and took out a change of clothes.

Although the house is old, it has several rooms and a special room for bathing. As soon as Su Xie finished taking a bath and opened the door, she saw Tao Mingxiang standing outside the door. As soon as she saw him opening the door, she quickly turned her head again. Humiliated, still not daring to look at him.

Su Xie had been traveling for several days, and now he felt relaxed and tired. Therefore, at this moment, he just wanted to rest early instead of talking to Tao Mingxiang.

I saw Su Xie pulling Tao Mingxiang to Tao Mingxiang's room.

Pushing Tao Mingxiang to the bed, he blew out the oil lamp. Then, he also went to the bed, hugged Tao Mingxiang and closed his eyes. Regardless of whether the person in his arms was completely stiff, he just said: " I'm tired, let me have a good sleep."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell asleep.

Tao Mingxiang never expected that Su Xie would share a bed with her and hold her in his arms. Anyway, her whole body was so stiff at the moment that she couldn't relax at all. It wasn't until she felt that Su Xie had really fallen asleep that she relaxed a little. , exhaled, but his whole body was still extremely stiff, and he did not dare to move in Su Xie's arms.

Even, she kept thinking in her mind: Why is Su Xie here? What did Su Xie do here? Is it to get her to go back? Or just leave just to teach her a lesson?

But looking at Su Xie's current state, it doesn't look like he wants to teach her a lesson.

So let her go back?

Is it possible?

If she was asked to go back, he should be able to say it, but he was eating and taking a shower, and he said several words to her, but none of them asked her to go back with him. So what was he doing here?

Tao Mingxiang's head really hurt thinking about it.

She was still worried. Su Xie came to see her, but where were her two precious sons? Did they come together? Or are you still in the imperial capital?

If they came together, Su Xie wouldn't be the only one coming to her place.

If they were still in the imperial capital, then Su Xie and she would be here, and the two children would be very sad that neither of their parents were with them.

Thinking about it, Tao Mingxiang's eyes turned red again.

But he didn't dare to cry out for fear of waking Su Xie.

Because Su Xie didn't tell Tao Mingxiang anything important, Tao Mingxiang had no idea at all and kept thinking wildly. It was already midnight and she was still not sleepy at all. She just kept her eyes open and was held motionless by Su Xie. In arms.

Just when Tao Mingxiang thought she would stay in his arms like this all night, Su Xie let go of her and kept pushing her inside with his hands and feet, just like when he thought she had slept with someone else. It was the same thing all night, and he seemed to think she was in the way. He didn't push her anymore until he pushed her so that her whole body was pressed against the bed board inside and didn't take up much space on the bed.

Back then, when Tao Mingxiang was treated like this, she didn't think too much about it, because at that time, all she could think about was that Su Xie had slept with her as someone else, and she was not in the mood to care about her being treated like this by Su Xie.

But now, Su Xie's behavior suddenly reminded her of the fact that the two children had told her before that Su Xie had trouble sleeping. She didn't care at that time. Now it seems that Su Xie's sleep difference is true.

Through the moonlight, Tao Mingxiang could vaguely see that Su Xie was still sleeping soundly without even opening his eyes.

Seeing that there was a large area of ​​​​empty space on the outside of the bed, Tao Mingxiang carefully stood up against the bed board, then lightly stepped over Su Xie and lay down on the outside of the bed.

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