Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2955 Tianyun Changan 169, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

Wow, this man can fly!

Su Su couldn't believe it at first, but she didn't believe it until she confirmed that the man really could take him from the ground to the roof without wings. Not scared at all, but very excited.

She is not afraid of heights like her sister-in-law. She is not afraid of heights at all. She even likes to stay at high places and look around. She feels that it feels very good and refreshing.

Seeing that Su Su was interesting again, Jun Lin was very satisfied.

Su Su first stood in this pavilion and looked around excitedly. She didn't realize that one of Jun Lin's hands was still holding her waist. After looking around, she pointed at another pavilion and said excitedly to Jun Lin. : "You take me to fly there."

Jun Lin ignored her and took back the hand holding her. Then he lay down lazily on the roof of the pavilion, with his hands behind his head and looking at the stars and moon in the sky without saying anything.

"Hey, why are you lying down?" Su Su asked, squatting next to Jun Lin.

Jun Lin still ignored her and continued to look at the stars and moon in the night sky.

Su Su followed his gaze and looked up, "What's so good about this? It's like this for many days a year."

She used to like watching it, but after watching it too much, she didn't find it interesting.

Jun Lin still didn't speak, but he tapped Su Su's mute point.

Su Su was speechless again: ""

Su Su just remained silent and accepted his fate. It was a little uncomfortable to squat, so she simply sat next to Jun Lin.

Instead of looking at the sky like Jun Lin, Su Su just looked around the pavilion again, looking at buildings that were much lower than this pavilion. She thought to herself that it would be great if she could fly like the man.

By the way, this man can fly!

Finally, Su Su realized this again, which made her stop looking at the surrounding scenery and buildings. Instead, she immediately looked at Jun Lin and asked Jun Lin with her eyes: "How can you fly?"

Even though Jun Lin could see what she was asking, he still didn't answer.

Su Su no longer asked with her eyes, but climbed to the eaves and looked down. Looking straight down, she discovered the height of the pavilion, which made her blood boil even more.

If she could fly, she would fly higher.

Although Jun Lin was still lying there and looking at the sky, he was silently watching Su Su from the corner of his eye to prevent the restless Su Su from falling from the roof, so that he could rescue her in time.

He was not from this world. He was originally from another world. Everyone in that world practiced martial arts, and this world was a little different from the martial arts he practiced in his original world. His world had internal strength, light skills, acupuncture, etc., but Not here.

He was originally the martial arts supreme in his original world, but he was poisoned by the person he trusted most. When he used his inner strength to poison himself and was unable to fight back, the person took the opportunity to stab him in the heart. A precise stab killed him instantly.

Then, he came here and wore it on Jun Lin.

It can be said that he is not actually King Lin, he just takes over King Lin's body.

Jun Lin is dead a long time ago, and was killed by his brothers. Because Jun Lin is the eldest son, Jun Lin will inherit the position of Lord of Stone City sooner or later. However, the mothers of Jun Lin's younger brothers are dissatisfied and want their own sons to become the Lord of the City. , just designed to kill King's Landing.

When Jun Lin was killed, Jun Lin was only five years old.

Because they only knew that they had assassinated Jun Lin and did not know that they had succeeded, no one noticed anything wrong when he put it on Jun Lin.

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