Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2961 Tianyun Changan 175

Jun Lin ignored her muttering and continued: "I should stay in the city for three or four days. You can wait for me in this inn."

Su Su immediately said: "You won't take me with you!?"

Jun Lin said: "Did I say I would take you with me?"

"I am your maid, of course I will follow you wherever your master is!"

"Don't think that I don't know what you have in mind. Don't you just want to go to the city and find Jun Ling?"

"Since you know, you are still like this!" Without waiting for Jun Lin to speak, Su Su added: "My sister is almost seven months pregnant. If I don't ask him to find out, my sister will have given birth to the baby!"

Jun Lin originally wanted to refuse directly again, but seeing Su Su's excitement, he did not refuse directly, but asked: "Is your sister important to you?"

"She is my sister, so of course she is very important to me! You can see that I came all the way here to find Jun Ling for her!"

"Then you will come into the city with me tomorrow."

"Hey, why did you agree?" Su Su was very surprised. She originally thought that he would not agree, but she was just trying to get him to agree to take her into Stone City.

Jun Lin said: "If you don't want me to agree, just treat what I just said as if I didn't say it."

Su Su immediately salivated: "How can that be done! If you agree, you agree! Don't go back on it!"

Afraid that Jun Lin would regret it, Su Su said in a cowardly manner: "Thank you, Master! I will definitely serve you even more wholeheartedly in the future!"

Although she said so, she had already planned in her heart. Once she found out everything from Jun Ling, she would use the power of the Slayer Tower to fight against Jun Lin. She didn't believe that the entire Slayer Tower couldn't deal with a single Jun Lin.

Not only does she want to escape from King's Landing, she will also make King's Landing her slave! She had been his maid for more than a month, so he had to be her slave for more than a month!

Because she was so excited to enter Stone City, Su Su woke up early the next morning.

After waiting for Jun Lin to wash up, and then waiting for Jun Lin to have breakfast, Su Su didn't eat when she saw Jun Lin picking up chopsticks, but went to help Jun Lin pack his luggage.

When Jun Lin saw that Su Su was not eating, but was busy packing her luggage, he frowned and said, "Come here for dinner."

"I'm not hungry. I'll pack these things first. When you finish eating, we can be on our way."

Jun Lin only said lightly: "Then I will go back tomorrow."

When Su Su heard this, he immediately stopped packing and hurried over to sit down and eat. It was finally determined that I would enter Stone City today. If I were delayed, I might not be able to do it tomorrow. I don’t know to what day I would be delayed. It would be better to enter Stone City today.

After breakfast, Su Su continued to pack things for Junlin.

When he was packing up the bag of gold in the cabinet, Su Su asked, "Why do you carry so much gold with you? Don't you have any silver? Carrying banknotes is easier than this. Or do you have so much gold that you have nowhere to use it?"

Jun Lin said calmly: "I saw gold in my room, so I just took some out."

Su Su stopped talking about the gold. How could he be the lord of a city without some gold?

Su Su just continued to pack her things while asking other questions: "Then shall we go to Stone City by horseback or by horse carriage?"

"horse riding."

But Su Su laughed: "How about you just use your Qing Gong to take me there."

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