Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2970 Tianyun Chang'an 184

Su Su said to Jun Ling, "Don't worry about me. Go to the imperial capital to find my sister. By the way, tell her that I'm fine and tell her not to worry about me."

Seeing what Jun Ling wanted to say, she hurriedly added: "It's big or small in the Imperial Capital. You just need to go to the streets of the Imperial Capital and ask about a person named An Min, and someone will naturally take you to see my sister."

Jun Ling didn't say anything anymore. He didn't care that he was still injured, and quickly asked people to prepare horses and luggage. He was going to the imperial capital.

Seeing Jun Ling busy going to the imperial capital, Su Su said to Jun Lin: "Let's go back."

Jun Lin didn't say a word, just stood up and left.

Su Su quickly followed.

When he walked out of Jun Ling's house, Jun Lin suddenly leaned over and whispered three words in Su Su's ear with a low voice that only Su Su could hear: "Young Master."

Su Su's whole body froze instantly. Damn it, what the hell is this man! She obviously hides it so well! Then how on earth did he know that she was the young master? Also, how much does he really know?

As soon as Jun Lin said these three words, he continued walking forward.

Because Su Su wanted to know how much Jun Lin knew, she hurriedly followed her and asked in a low voice: "How much do you know about my identity?"

Jun Lin did not answer, but just said: "No matter what your status is, I only know that you are my maid. If I don't let you go, you can't go anywhere."

Seeing that he made it clear that he would not answer her, Su Su no longer asked him how much he knew, but said angrily: "Then when did you not want me to be your maid?"

Jun Lin only said three words: "I don't know." Anyway, he was quite happy being served by her now.

When Su Su heard this, she didn't know what to say.

After following Jun Lin for a while, Su Su said, "I just looked carefully and found out that your martial arts are not evil at all. Jun Lin's martial arts are not evil at all. Who did you learn these evil martial arts from?"


"It's weird if I believe you!"

"I didn't let you believe it either." When Jun Lin said this, he saw Su Su looking at the cloth shop not far away with bright eyes, making it clear that he wanted to wear new clothes again.

Jun Lin smiled before walking towards Buzhuang.

"Hey, what are you doing there?" Su Su quickly followed, excited and confused at the same time.

Jun Lin said: "You are allowed to make clothes, but not me?"

"Have you brought any money?" She had never seen him bring any money with him today.

"Don't you?"


"You are my maid, and you are also mine." After a pause, "I have so much gold in my house. If you want it later, just take it. If it's not enough, I'll ask someone to send it to you."

Just at this time, both of them entered Buzhuang, and Su Su stopped talking to Jun Lin about money.

Instead, she doesn't care about King's Landing, where she chooses the cloth she likes, and she wants to make new clothes.

Anyway, the cabinet in Junlin's room is big enough to fit in it.

Seeing that he had picked out many kinds of cloth, but Jun Lin had not picked any yet, Su Su asked, "You won't let me pick for you, right?"

Jun Lin said: "Just pick out ten sets for me, I don't mind."

Su Su: ""

Su Su felt that Jun Lin's clothes were better and she looked more comfortable, so she did not choose those unsightly cloths to make clothes for Jun Lin. She didn't want to abuse her eyes.

When Su Su made the selections for Jun Lin, Jun Lin also made the selections for Su Su. He selected the best cloth in various colors and asked the cloth shop owner to make various styles of women's clothes for Su Su.

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