Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2979 Tianyun Changan 193

Not wanting to argue with Fan Xian'er, and Fan Xian'er didn't believe it at all, Su Su could only say helplessly: "Okay, just think that I have won your cousin's heart."

Fan Xian'er's eyes immediately lit up. She grabbed Su Su's arm and asked, "Then tell me how you got my eldest cousin's heart."

Su Su smiled and said, "What should I tell you?"

Fan Xian'er immediately became angry: "Are you afraid that if you tell me, I will steal my cousin's heart away and you will become a second cousin!?"

Su Su was speechless: "Your delusion is too serious. Come to me when you have free time. Why not use this time to see the doctor. If you have nothing else, I will go back."

With that said, Su Su planned to leave.

Fan Xian'er refused to let Su Su go. She even pulled Su Su and cried to Su Su: "Please tell me, please? I really like my eldest cousin. I have liked my eldest cousin for so many years. My eldest cousin never gives me a good look. I really want my eldest cousin to like me."

Su Su said: "Your eldest cousin doesn't give you a good look, just because he doesn't want you to have any hope for him. As a result, you always come to annoy him and find trouble for yourself. You deserve to be like this. Normally The girl has let go a long time ago, how can she still be stalking you."

Fan Xian'er cried loudly: "You only said that after you got your eldest cousin! If you didn't get my eldest cousin's heart, you would be like me! You just stand and talk without backache!"

"I really can't make sense to you!" Su Su was too lazy to say anything to Fan Xian'er, and her curiosity was satisfied. Su Su shook off Fan Xian'er and was about to leave, but Fan Xian'er took out a handful from her sleeve. Scissors, stabbed at Su Su.

As soon as Su Su saw this, he raised his hand and grabbed Fan Xian'er's wrist. While snatching the scissors from Fan Xian'er's hand, he raised his foot and kicked Fan Xian'er. Fan Xian'er immediately fell to the ground and vomited. A mouthful of blood.

"How dare you kill me? I only made you vomit a mouthful of blood, so you took advantage." Su Su sneered.

At the same time, without bending her waist, she slammed the scissors down hard, and the scissors just rubbed Fan Xian'er's face and plunged into the ground. Fan Xian'er's face turned completely white in fright, and her whole body trembled.

Su Su, however, didn't even look at Fan Xian'er and went straight back to the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Su Su said to Jun Lin, who was still leaning on the kang, "Your cousin just tried to kill me with scissors."

Jun Lin played with a chess piece in his hand and laughed softly: "How did you teach her a lesson?"

Su Su said angrily: "Shouldn't you ask me first if I'm injured?"

Jun Lin smiled and said, "Isn't this a good thing for you? Why should I ask?"

Su Su was even more upset: "I kicked her and made her vomit blood. It should take a few days for her to recover."

Jun Lin said: "Being kind to your enemies is cruelty to yourself."

Su Su gave him a big eye roll and said, "Why did she say she was your cousin? Do you still want me to backhand her?"

Jun Lin only smiled and said nothing.

Su Su sat on the kang, lying on the small table that had been used to play chess, and said to Jun Lin across from her: "I kicked her so hard that she vomited blood. Her family will probably come to trouble you."

"Are you afraid?"

"What do I have to be afraid of? She was the one who wanted to kill me first. I was merciful enough by not killing her. I just want to talk to you like this. Anyway, it's okay if I have nothing to do."...

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