Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2983 Tianyun Changan 197

Is there a kitchen here? "As soon as Su Su entered the wooden house again, he asked Jun Lin, who was still sitting on two benches.

Jun Lin said very honestly: "No."

Su Su: "Do you have firewood, rice, oil and salt?"


"Of course there's no food, right?"

"Yeah." Jun Lin said honestly.

Su Su endured it, endured it again and again, but still couldn't hold it back, and shouted at Junlin: "If you don't have any of these, then what kind of food did you ask me to cook!?"

Jun Lin said: "I asked you to prepare food, not to cook."

Su Su yelled again: "There's not even a single house within a fifty-mile radius. Where do you want me to get food?"

Jun Lin said: "You have hands and feet, and your skills are pretty good. How can you still let us both starve to death?"

That's what he said, but Su Su just felt unhappy.

He was obviously living a good life in Stone City or a small town, but who asked him to come to this place with no village or shop.

But Su Su also knew that there was no point in arguing with Jun Lin. Therefore, Su Su found a rope in the house and tied it to a thick tree trunk. Without Jun Lin's help, she used the rope to get down from the tree. .

As soon as she got out of the tree, Su Su looked around, and when she saw that there was really no sign of the two horses, she gave up completely. Then, she chose a random direction and walked forward to see if she could find something to eat.

It was already November 27th, and the weather was still a bit cold. Su Su rubbed her arms while walking forward.

She really couldn't understand King's Landing. She had a good life but she had to come here.

Come on, come on, you've prepared all the food, etc. How can they live here?

Especially now that it's winter and it's getting colder and colder. Even if you can find food now, you won't be able to find it when it gets colder.

Jun Lin's decision to come here was really ill-considered!

Su Su was so angry that she walked like this. She didn't know how long she walked. Anyway, she didn't even see a bird, let alone anything she thought was edible. If she had known she was in this situation, she should have prepared some dry food with her yesterday.

She originally thought she would stay at the inn and continue on her way, but she didn't expect that he didn't even find a place to stay and brought her here directly.

After walking for who knows how long, Su Su saw a wild jujube tree. There were many jujubes on the jujube tree, and they had been frosted. Su Su picked some and tasted them. They were very sweet.

Su Su was not in a hurry to go back to find Junlin and just ate a lot of dates first.

She was already hungry, but now she is even hungrier after walking no matter how far she has walked. Although she has eaten a lot of jujubes now, she just doesn't feel full.

Still have to find something to eat.

But after eating a lot of dates, my stomach no longer growled with hunger.

After walking forward for a while, she saw that there were only trees, so she stopped walking, but she didn't go back. Instead, she didn't mind getting dirty and went to the ground to face the cold wind and look at the dark clouds in the sky.

looks like it's going to rain.

Just let her get wet.

Since King's Landing, she has been so weak that she now despises herself.

In fact, she must not die of hunger. She has seen famine in some places. In those famine areas, even tree roots were eaten. Now there are so many trees, leaves, and grass around here, how can she starve to death? As for her, she just doesn't want to eat.

Just be hungry again. When she is so hungry that she can't bear it anymore, she will eat even the most unpalatable food.

But now, her legs are sore from walking, so she needs to rest first and talk about everything later.

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