Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 2985 Tianyun Changan 199

Please hurry up and get me a hut. You can't let me live in the open air. "Su Su said very confidently. She has not been to the latrine since morning. Fortunately, she didn't eat much or drink much water.

The corners of Jun Lin's mouth kept twitching.

Finally, I started to doubt that my decision to bring Su Su here was wrong.

But since everyone else was here, they would not leave easily, so he nodded reluctantly: "Yeah, I'll do it."

"Also," Su Su continued, "there is no kitchen either. We have to build one, otherwise there will be no place to cook. By the way, there is also a place for me to take a shower."

Forget about building a latrine, there are still kitchens and bathing rooms, which will take a long time. Jun Lin, who was reluctant at first, immediately said: "Forget it, we don't live here anymore, we will go there tomorrow." Walk."

It was also at this time that he truly felt that his decision to bring Su Su to live in seclusion was such a mistake!

His original intention of bringing Su Su here was to live in a more comfortable place, but now he doesn't have this or that, and it's not comfortable at all. It would be better to leave tomorrow.

When Su Su heard this, he immediately said happily: "Really?"

"Well, living here doesn't have a lot of things. It's too troublesome. I used to come here occasionally. Tomorrow we will go to the nearest town and buy a house with everything."

"It's great, I don't have to live in this damn place anymore!" Su Su was really happy. Although the environment here is beautiful, there are really not many things. She really doesn't want to live here in such a compromising manner.

Jun Lin laughed, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he jumped into the lake in front again. This time he didn't catch fish, but took a bath.

It was still quite cold that day. Su Su couldn't stand the cold shower, so he lit a fire and boiled some hot water. He planned to simply scrub his body and take a big bath tomorrow when he went to town.

Jun Lin finished taking a bath in the lake. When he saw that the water Su Su had boiled was not hot yet, Jun Lin acted mischievously and threw Su Su directly into the lake.

"Jun Lin, you bastard!" Su Su knew how to use water. As soon as she was thrown into the freezing cold water, she swam up from the water and cursed Jun Lin angrily.

It was already a little cold, but after these things improved, it became even colder.

Jun Lin folded his arms and leaned against the tree. While watching Su Su swim up from the water, he smiled and said, "You've already gone down, why don't you just take a shower?"

"Wash your head!" Su Su scolded and went to court. His whole body was dripping with water. Su Su ran to Jun Lin angrily and hugged Jun Lin.

Junlin: ""

Seeing that the dry clothes Jun Lin had just put on were soaked by her hug, Su Su let go of Jun Lin, put her hands on her hips and laughed, "You deserve it! Who told you to throw me down! I can only trouble you to wash it again and change it!" "

Jun Lin really didn't expect that Su Su would follow him in this move, but he was not angry at all, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a bad way. Then, he took Su Su and jumped into the cold lake again.

Su Su: ""You bastard!

After being thrown into the lake twice, Su Su still wiped his lower body with hot water, but Su Su was gloriously infected with the cold. He didn't have a cough, just a runny nose, and couldn't let go of the handkerchief.

This made Su Su unable to sleep at night.

Jun Lin and Su Su slept in the same room, and the two beds were not far apart. Su Su groaned in discomfort, and Jun Lin couldn't sleep because of it. Later, Jun Lin simply stood up, got out of bed, and came to Su Su's bed. sit down.

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