Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 805 I can't hide anything from His Royal Highness

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Xiao Changyi didn't say anything about Li Wuyu and Wang Youbao, but said, "I can also swear to you."

Quiet only finds it funny: "Let's not say that you were married to me, let's just say that between you and me, you need to swear? You think that we care about each other more than our own life. Is it fake? !"

Xiao Changyi's mouth curled slightly: "It's not fake, it's real."

"Then?" An Jing wanted him to say it himself.

Xiao Changyi continued to curl the corners of his mouth: "There is no need to swear a poisonous oath to maintain the relationship between you and me."

An Jing was satisfied, and said again: "Youbao will go to Beijing this time to study at the Ministry of Housing, and his horizons will gradually become wider. I hope this is really a good thing for him."

Xiao Changyi didn't speak, just looked in the direction of Dijing.

An Jing didn't speak any more, and looked in the direction of Dijing. Unlike Xiao Changyi's expressionless face, An Jing had a smile on his face.

Next year her family will also go to Beijing. Dijing has people they care about, and there are people who care about them.

Although life at that time is not as simple and ordinary as they are now, it should also be colorful.

When Wang Youbao and Li Wuyu arrived at the Imperial Capital, it was November 15th.

Wang Youbao had already sent people to the imperial capital to buy one or three large mansions. As soon as he arrived in the imperial capital, he took Li Wuyu and his servants to live in.

Wang Youbao and Li Wuyu only went to the Prime Minister's Mansion on the second day of their arrival. Li Wuyu was returning home for the first time. In order to show that he valued Li Wuyu as a lady, and to make Li Wuyu return home more glorious, Wang Youbao prepared a special gift.

It just so happened that Prime Minister Li took a rest on this day.

Prime Minister Li was very satisfied when he saw that the return ceremony was so heavy. He is not greedy for money, but the amount of the door ceremony this time represents how much Wang Youbao attaches importance to his daughter, and he naturally attaches importance to it.

Seeing Li Wuyu's ruddy complexion and a good and cheerful appearance, Prime Minister Li was even more satisfied.

He didn't expect much of Wang Youbao, his son-in-law, but he was good to his daughter.

Of course, it would be better if Wang Youbao could stand out.

And Prime Minister Li had just drank the tea from Wang Youbao and Li Wuyujing, when Prince Su Chengyu sent someone, saying that Wang Youbao would go to the East Palace to see him tomorrow.

When Wang Youbao heard this, he immediately became nervous.

When the prince's people left, Prime Minister Li said, "I really can't hide this matter from the imperial capital, His Royal Highness. You just came yesterday, and he will let you see him tomorrow."

"Father-in-law, can you go to the East Palace with your son-in-law tomorrow?" Wang Youbao wanted his father-in-law to give him courage.

Li Chengxiang said: "His Royal Highness has only summoned you, it is not appropriate for me to go together." After a pause, "You don't need to be so afraid, His Royal Highness wants to reuse you."

"But" Wang Youbao still wanted his father-in-law to go with him. He was really scared. A royal person, still the prince, the future emperor of Xiyun, he is really afraid that he will be beheaded by others if he doesn't say a word.

Prime Minister Li did not let Wang Youbao continue, but cut off the words: "Just remember to be cautious in your words and deeds, and there should be no major mistakes."

"Yes." Other than that, Wang Youbao didn't know what to do.

Seeing that his son-in-law answered 'yes', he was still quite frightened. Prime Minister Li wanted to tell Wang Youbao's meeting with Su Chengyu, but thought that His Royal Highness had greeted him in advance and asked him and Li Wuyu not to do so. Inform Wang Youbao about it, and he dismissed the idea again.

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