Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 810 Dijing, she's gone!

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An Jing didn't want Shi Xiaolan to know the true identities of her and her husband, so she made such an excuse that she only went to Dijing after receiving a transfer order.

When Shi Xiaolan heard that Jingjing was transferred to Dijing as an official, he immediately said with joy: "Quiet, this is a great thing, Dijing is the foot of the emperor, it's much better than us, you are considered a promotion!"

Immediately, Shi Xiaolan lost her joy and said lonely: "Isn't the sixth month of the first month the next month?"


"Then how many years are you going to be transferred here?"

Quietly shook his head and said, "The transfer order didn't say, and I don't know how many years." She and her husband planned to come back here after Emperor Xiyun died, and they couldn't predict when Emperor Xiyun died, so she was I really don't know how many years she will go to Dijing.

When Shi Xiaolan heard this, she felt even more lonely. She clung to An Jing's hand tightly and said, "You have been transferred, and we don't know if we can meet again in the future. An Jing, I really miss you."

"I will often write to you. If you are illiterate, you can find someone who can read it to you."

Shi Xiaolan was in a better mood now, "Then you must write to me often."

"I definitely will."

"I still owe you money. If you have been in the imperial capital, how can I pay you back?" Shi Xiaolan became distressed.

An Jing didn't say that she didn't need to return the money, she just smiled: "You can take it for me first, now I don't know when I will come back, but the roots of me and my husband are here, me and I When the husband is old, he will definitely come back here to retire, and it will be the same if you give it to me at that time."

Immediately, Jing Jing said again: "My husband and I have both gone to the Imperial Capital. This middle-of-the-road farm is impossible to obtain, so let's all plant it for your family."

Shi Xiaolan's eyes were instantly moved red: "Quiet, you are so kind to me."

After sniffing, Shi Xiaolan asked, "Then how do you collect the rent?"

An Jing wouldn't care about renting so much, but she didn't want Shi Xiaolan and the others to take it for granted when they finally planted it, so she smiled and said, "It's just like having a treasure. For the friendship price, you will be charged 10%."

"But your family leased a lot of land to us, about ten mu, isn't this too little?" Generally, when renting land from the landlord, 30% of the harvest must be rented.

"If you don't plant, I plan to leave the fields uncultivated there. What's more, there are a lot of them. Youbao is not as familiar with you as I am. He will only accept you for 10 percent. If it comes true, there is still a bit more, and it can’t be regarded as the price of friendship.”

Shi Xiaolan immediately said: "How can there be! Not much at all!"

Afraid that Jingjing would lower the rent again, Shi Xiaolan hurriedly said again: "Every success is ten percent, thank you for being quiet." She owes her friend for the rest of her life.

"Thanks for what, then I have to trouble you to take this rent for me first, and give it to me when I get back."

"to make."

When Gong Juechen learned from Gong Juese's mouth that An Jing was really going to Beijing, he immediately came to find An Jing and Xiao Changyi.

"Changyi, Jingjing, I really don't want to go to Dijing, can't you all?" Gong Juechen looked like he really hated the place in Dijing.

Quietly said, "We didn't let you go with us."

"But I have to follow my sister. Didn't I tell you last time?"

Jing Jing then said, "No!" She and her husband in Dijing have decided to go!

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