Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 825 You are also very strange

As soon as Su Yijing touched the ground, he ran towards Xiao Changyi, like his younger brothers, nestled in their father's arms, and even grinned at his father.

Emperor Xiyun: "" I'm so jealous

It's a shame I like you so much, you little heartless

When Xiao Changyi surrounded Su Yijing, he also glanced at Emperor Xiyun, Emperor Xiyun: ""

As for what, don't I just prefer Jing'er!

Seeing that Emperor Xiyun was suffocated by her father-in-law, he quietly endured a smile, and said in a roundabout way: "Royal father, the wind is strong, and it will be bad to catch cold, let's go in quickly."

"Okay." Emperor Xiyun agreed.

Xiao Changyi then stood up, and together with Jingjing, led the four children to the palace where Emperor Xiyun lived.

Emperor Xiyun took a few steps ahead, turned around suddenly, and walked towards Xiao Changyi.

An Jing felt strange, so he asked, "Father, what's the matter?"

Emperor Xiyun said, "I forgot something."

"What's the matter?"

Emperor Xiyun did not answer the quiet words, but walked in front of Xiao Changyi, hugged Xiao Changyi's waist, and lifted it up. When he was sure he couldn't hold it, he let go and said with a smile, "I still can't hold it."

Quiet: ""I dare you to forget about this. Sometimes, I also think you are very strange.

Xiao Changyi's face was expressionless, and he was not affected by Emperor Xiyun at all.

Emperor Xiyun thought for a while, but went to hug Su Yijing again: "Jing'er, grandpa hugs you, grandpa really likes you so much, you really look like your father too much, grandpa is old, it's a hug You can't move your father, but grandpa can hug you, while grandpa can still hug you now, grandpa will hug you more."

Quiet moment of a sore nose. I see.

Xiao Changyi's throat choked, and the choking hurt a little, but there was still no expression on his face, as if he hadn't heard what Emperor Xiyun said.

Su Yijing was still very obedient, and was hugged by Emperor Xiyun again, just like before, he was held by Emperor Xiyun.

"It's so good." Emperor Xiyun said with a smile as he walked towards the palace with Su Yijing in his arms. "You go to the palace with grandpa first. Later, your brother Muchen will come too. Then let your brother Muchen play with you."

Mu Chen, Su Muchen, Su Chengyu and the prince's son were all nine years old.

That's the advantage of getting married early.

Quietly sighed in my heart.

When he arrived at the Palace of Kings, Emperor Xiyun still didn't want to let go of Su Yijing, but Su Yijing saw his three younger brothers playing around in the Palace of Kings, and he wanted to play too. Although he thought about it, he didn't say it, just watched his younger brothers quietly.

Emperor Xiyun felt a little distressed when he saw Su Yijing like this. His family Yi'er also doesn't like to say what's in his heart.

Immediately, Emperor Xiyun put Su Yijing on the ground, so that Su Yijing can play around in the palace like An Yiqing and the others.

Several eunuchs and court ladies followed Su Yijing and the others, fearing that something would happen to Su Yijing and the others while they were playing.

An Jing, Xiao Changyi, and Emperor Xiyun were all sitting, and they all looked at the four children playing in the palace.

Emperor Xiyun looked at the children and sighed with a smile: "The children are so old in the blink of an eye. I was looking forward to when you would arrive, and you are here now." After a pause, "You can come. Dijing, I am really happy."

Xiao Changyi slowly picked up the white jade teacup and sipped the tea without saying a word.

Quietly smiled and said, "Let the emperor care about us all the time. We are already very unfilial. If we don't come to the imperial capital again, it will be even more unfilial."

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