Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 829 You are not allowed to take him away...

An Yiyun really walked into Su Muchen's arms step by step. While being hugged by Su Muchen, An Yiyun said in a milky voice, "Big brother, big brother, bow your head"

Su Muchen bowed his head obediently.

An Yiyun immediately rubbed Su Muchen's face with his small face. Su Muchen was stunned for a moment, but then his heart softened. He likes this kid.

As soon as Jing Jing saw it, he smiled and said, "Chen'er and Yun'er really hit it off, you see how good they are."

Su Chengyu was also very happy: "The fate is good, I was worried that they would have a bad separation, but now it seems that I am worried."

Emperor Xiyun was also happy: "Chen'er, that's your younger brother Yun'er. He is not in good shape. You can take care of him more in the future."

Su Muchen immediately replied respectfully, "Yes, Grandpa Huang."

An Yiyun was held by the big brother Su Muchen, but he was restless. He even waved small hands to his three brothers: "big brother, big brother, big brother"

While talking, An Yiyun also pointed at Su Muchen.

An Jing and the others listened to An Yiyun's words and watched An Yiyun's actions. They immediately understood that An Yiyun was asking Su Yijing and the others to come to Su Muchen as well.

Su Yixing and An Yiqing were standing at Jing Jing's feet. As soon as they heard An Yiyun calling them, they ran towards Su Muchen. Then, one of them hugged Su Muchen's leg, and then the two of them looked up. With a small face, he excitedly shouted at Su Muchen: "Big brother, big brother"

Su Muchen had a slight smile on his face, the smile was warm, and he saw that he had a free hand and touched the two children who called him the eldest brother and hugged his legs respectively. little brain.

"Brother" An Yiyun saw that both his second and third brothers came over, but his eldest brother was still held in his arms by Emperor Xiyun and did not come over. He was unhappy and shouted at Su Yijing again.

Emperor Xiyun: "" If you don't want to snatch Jing'er, I want to hold Jing'er, and I won't allow you to snatch him away

If I knew earlier, I wouldn't let Chen'er come

Seeing Jing Jing, Xiao Changyi, Su Chengyu, and Su Muchen all looking at him, and seeing Su Yijing looking at him pitifully, looking like he wanted to get off him, Emperor Xiyun sighed again in his heart Su Muchen, the eldest grandson, shouldn't come, and then put Su Yijing on the ground.

As soon as Su Yijing was put on the ground, he ran towards An Yiyun.

When An Yiyun saw his eldest brother coming towards him, he said to Su Muchen in a milky and excited voice, "Big brother, big brother is here."

The smile on Su Muchen's face deepened a little. The children are so cute, it is impossible for him to like it or not.

As soon as Su Yijing ran to Su Muchen's side, he stopped, and then, looking up at Su Muchen blankly for a while, he held out a small hand. Although he didn't smile like An Yiqing and the others, he did. In his small mouth, he whispered to Su Muchen, "Big brother."

Seeing that Su Yijing stretched out a small hand towards him, Su Muchen subconsciously stretched out his own empty hand to hold Su Yijing's small hand. As soon as Su Yijing was pulled, he gave him a slight smile. grin.

Su Muchen's eyes softened. How can these four children be so cute.

At this moment, Su Muchen is standing, holding An Yiyun in one hand, holding Su Yijing in the other, holding one leg by Su Yixing and one leg by An Yiqing, this picture seems to be Su Muchen Just like the father of four children.

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