Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 839 He has done all the deeds for this man!

Su Chengyu looked at the little guy An Yiyun who was swaying on the ground, and nodded reluctantly: "Yes."

Since you dare to kill the prince? It is indeed the crime of beheading. An Jing also understands this, so as soon as Su Chengyu backed down, she said, "I will try my best to convince him."

Su Chengyu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you sister-in-law."

After the pair thanked them quietly, Su Chengyu turned his head, smiled and said to Xiao Changyi, "Brother Yi, I didn't tell my father about the matter of looking for someone to rescue Brother Chengjin. Royal father is angry that I don't listen to his words and walk with brother Chengjin, you can help me with this matter, royal father will be angry with me, but not you."

Xiao Changyi still ignored Su Chengyu. However, Su Chengyu was used to it. He had lived in Dijing for a year, and in that year, he didn't know how much he took on Su Chengyu's behalf.

Quiet but stunned. Just because your father is not angry with my husband, you are so happy to let my husband take the blame? !

"Brother Yi, you really don't talk to me?" After waiting for a while, seeing Xiao Changyi still ignoring him, Su Chengyu asked such a question.

An Jing: "" My husband said that he will ignore you and your father for the next three months.

Whoever told you to always say that without telling him, will give me an official title and a promotion.

At this moment, they heard the sound of hooves, and it became clearer and clearer. When the sound of hooves came to her door, they also heard a very bold and shameless voice——

"Changyi, Jingjing, I'm here to eat at your house! Although we've all come to Dijing now, I'll still do it often when I'm at your house!"

Quiet: "" Really shameless.

Xiao Changyi was expressionless and continued to work on the vegetable field there.

Su Chengyu looked at Jing Jing with doubtful eyes, as if asking: Who is this? Why so shameless?

Quietly said: "It's that stubborn doctor palace Juechen."

Su Chengyu: ""

"Quietly, Changyi!" Just as Jingjing's words fell, Gong Juechen pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

Gong Juechen was wearing dark red wide-sleeved clothes again. With such a fierce push, the clothes flew, with that extremely enchanting face and those extremely charming peach eyes, so that Su Chengyu could see him. , involuntarily stunned.

Su Chengyu really did not expect President Gong Juechen to be so evil and enchanting.

Of course, all of this was based on Su Chengyu ignoring Gong Juechen's bright smile that he was looking at at the moment.

As soon as Gong Juechen came in, he found that there were three strangers in the yard, two of them were equipped with swords, one was not, and was dressed very luxuriously, and that man was standing beside Xiao Changyi and Jingjing.

Gong Juechen walked straight towards the man, opened his mouth and asked, "Jing Jing, who is this mellow son?"


Su Chengyu: ""Where am I mellow? !

The two men with swords were Su Chengyu's personal bodyguards. As soon as they heard Gong Juechen's words, they drew their swords and shouted sharply at Gong Juechen, "You dare to make trouble for the people, how dare you disrespect His Royal Highness the Prince!"

The smile on Gong Juechen's face disappeared instantly. He seemed frightened, but in fact he hated it, and the hateful smile disappeared instantly.

This person is Su Haoyu's heart!

Su Haoyu can do everything for this person to the detriment of his conscience!

"Gong Juechen, if you don't know how to speak, talk less, no one thinks you are dumb!" An Jing first reprimanded Gong Juechen angrily, and then appeased Su Chengyu: "Chengyu, he said Wenrun, he didn't When you go to school, your words always don't make sense, don't mind."

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