Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 843 You are still dead!

The chess sound is here, easy to catch.

And Qi Yin said that the piano sound was in the kitchen, so the guards hurried to the kitchen to catch the piano sound.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi looked at each other, neither of them expected to bump into such a thing.

Gong Juechen didn't show anything on his face, but he laughed in his heart: Su Haoyu, you are in trouble

But what no one expected was that after a while, a guard came to report that Qin Yin had committed suicide by taking poison in her room.

Su Chengjin, who had followed him for so many years and was deeply trusted by him, actually poisoned him. Su Chengjin was really stimulated by this, and smiled weakly and sadly: "Who the hell wants me to die?"

Gong Juechen smiled in his heart: I know who it is, but I won't tell you.

"The poison in my body has not been completely cleared. It turns out that someone has been poisoning me, so it turns out that it is." Su Chengjin smiled even more sadly, probably because his mood swings were too ruthless, and he coughed up another mouthful of blood.

Su Chengyu learned that the servant who boiled the medicine had committed suicide by taking the poison, and was furious: "Gong Juechen, you are here to clear the poison for the fifth prince, His Highness will return to the palace immediately, and tell the father about this matter, and it must be dealt with. Find out!"

Su Chengyu originally did not intend to let Emperor Xiyun know that he had a relationship with Su Chengjin, but now someone has been poisoning Su Chengjin. This matter is so big that he can't just sit back and ignore it, even if he is scolded by Emperor Xiyun for being disobedient, he Let Emperor Xiyun send someone to investigate this matter thoroughly.

And as soon as he finished speaking, Su Chengyu didn't even say hello to An Jing and Xiao Changyi, and turned around and left.

But after taking two steps, Su Chengyu turned back and said to the manager of the Fifth Prince's Mansion: "It's a good life to protect the fifth prince. If something happens to the fifth prince, no one in this mansion will want to live!"

As soon as these words were finished, Su Chengyu continued to leave, regardless of whether the manager was frightened or not.

Gong Juechen's heart fluctuated violently. He could see that this Su Chengyu really wanted Su Chengjin to live well.

Su Chengjin didn't know if he heard Su Chengyu's words, but was still lying on the bed with a sad and angry face.

Seeing Su Chengyu gone, An Jing glanced at Xiao Changyi again, hesitated for a while, but she took a step forward and asked Gong Juechen in a low voice, "Are you sure you can get rid of this poison?"

Gong Juechen immediately looked shameless: "Jing Jing, do you care about me, I'm afraid that the fifth prince will be killed if I can't cure it, I'm really touched, I just don't know what's in Chang Yi's heart. It's a taste, would you like to care about me like this?"

Quietly gave him a big white eye, "You're still dead!"

Su Chengjin was originally in a sad and angry mood. When he saw Gong Juechen's hilarious smile towards An Jing and Xiao Changyi, it was completely different from the respectful attitude towards him and Su Chengyu. He was very surprised at first. Gong Juechen, An Jing and Xiao Changyi Familiar with him, he immediately felt that the doctor Gong Juechen was a little unreliable.

However, thinking that Gong Juechen noticed that he had been poisoned all the time, he dispelled the thought that Gong Juechen was an unreliable doctor.

It should be, this Gong Juechen's medical skills are very high, but his personality is a bit unflattering.

After calming down and suppressing the fluctuating emotions, Su Chengjin smiled at Gong Juechen and said, "Doctor Gong, what the Queen's Sister-in-law asked you just now is what this prince wants to ask you."

Gong Juechen immediately changed his face, and replied extremely respectfully: "If you return to the fifth prince, the grass people are sure." After a pause, he added: "As long as the fifth prince is no longer harmed, just the current body, the grass people are really sure. can be cured."

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