Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 849 Suicide in fear of sin

Yanyao didn't want to answer, so she turned around and left.

"Gu—" Meng Zhuqing wanted to chase.

Yanyao turned around and drew his sword sharply at him, saying indifferently, "Don't follow me!"

Meng Zhuqing could only stop and watch Yanyao take away his sword, and watch Yanyao's cold voice slowly disappear into the night, until he could no longer see a trace, he sighed softly, turned around, and returned to the fifth prince. Palace, continue to protect Gong Juechen.

As soon as Emperor Xiyun handed over the poisoning of Su Chengjin to the Minister of Punishment for a thorough investigation, the Minister of Punishment was afraid that the head would fall, and immediately sent someone to arrest Mr. Fang and all the little officials in the Imperial Hospital who were responsible for prescribing medicine for the Fifth Prince.

They also arrested many people from the Fifth Prince's Mansion.

As long as the people who have touched the medicine of the Fifth Prince are almost all caught by the Minister of Punishment, they will be interrogated by the Ministry of Punishment.

The first trial of the Ministry of Punishment Minister's trial lasted for six days, and the torture was also carried out, but still no clues were found.

Then, the Minister of Punishment was more worried about his own head.

Just when the Minister of Punishment began the interrogation on the seventh day, in the mansion of the fifth prince, Gong Juechen also began to poison Su Chengjin for the last time.

And just after Gong Juechen cleaned up Su Chengjin's poison, Su Chengyu came.

As soon as Su Chengyu came, he asked Su Chengjin how the poison was cleared.

Su Chengjin said with a smile, "I am worried about His Royal Highness Prince Lao, and Doctor Gong said that all the poison in my body has been cleared, because I have been carrying poison in my body for many years, and my body has suffered severe losses. ."

"Very good!" Su Chengyu was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Su Chengyu like this, Gong Juechen had mixed feelings in his heart. He has been in the Fifth Prince's Mansion for almost seven days, and he found that this Fifth Prince is really not as good as Su Chengyu.

It was at this moment that the steward of the Fifth Prince's Mansion hurried in.

Seeing that Su Chengyu was also there, he first gave a big gift to the prince, Su Chengyu, and then the steward said: "His Royal Highness Qi, Qi, the fifth prince, news came from the Ministry of Punishment that Qi Yin committed suicide in prison. "

Su Chengyu and Su Chengjin were both stunned.

Gong Juechen bowed his head respectfully, no one could see his expression, but the corners of his mouth were indeed hooked badly, as if he had expected this result.

The steward continued: "Before Qiyin committed suicide because of fear of crime, he wrote a blood letter on the wall of the prison, saying that he couldn't stand the torture and would rather die. He also explained why he poisoned the fifth prince."

When Su Chengyu heard this, he immediately asked, "Why?"

Guanshi said: "Qiyin said that she and Qinyin are sisters, and their family used to be not only their sisters, but also a younger brother. The younger brother inherited the incense, but when the fifth prince was young, he rode a horse on the street and trampled four of them to death. The younger brother of the age of 25 broke the incense in their family, and they hated the fifth prince and wanted to avenge their younger brother, so they entered the palace together and became palace maids."

"Then, they did everything possible to sneak into the womb of the fifth prince, deceive the fifth prince's trust, become the fifth prince's personal maid, and then poison the fifth prince. They don't want to poison the fifth prince, they just want the fifth prince to live rather than die."

"It's too cheap to let the fifth prince die, and they don't have the face to go underground to see their younger brother."

"Lord Xingbu also sent someone to the Qiyin home to confirm that it is true that Qiyin and Qinyin had a younger brother who was trampled to death by a horse when he was four years old."

Gong Juechen didn't believe a word of the manager's words.

Su Chengyu believed it, but this matter must be reported to his father by the Ministry of Punishment.

When he was young, the Fifth Emperor was really

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